Saturday, January 25, 2020
The Local Economic Impact From Mega Events Tourism Essay
The Local Economic Impact From Mega Events Tourism Essay In this section, the researcher will present the reason for the selection of this topic. An introduction about mega sporting events, the research questions, its aims and objectives, the literature review, theoretical rationale, methodology, its limitations and followed by a short summary will be written in this proposal. As the researcher in writing is much more familiar with the Singapore economy, the research would be based on the local market, which would be the Singapore Formula One Grand Prix. Roche (2000) describes mega-sporting events as large-scale cultural (including commercial and sporting) events which have a dramatic character, mass popular appeal and international significance. They are typically organised by variable combination of national governmental and international non-governmental organisations. This describes that such events should attract viewers and media representatives from all over the world and that the host city or nation should experience alterations to the regular cycle of events. The hosting of sport events in particular has showed a number of potential benefits. Potential benefits such as investments, advertising, tax generation, revenue generation, enhanced community image, job creation, positive spiritual earnings, health and fitness, promotion of sport, creating local amusement, creation of new infrastructure, improvement community pride, urban redevelopment, increased tourist flow, according to Daniels and Norman (2003), and Kim et al. (1998). Research Question This research explains how mega-events like Singapore Formula One Grand Prix affects the local economic impact and the strategies adopted. The research is classified under the following question where in this report; the researchers effort will be concentrated on giving insights on this research question. How do managers use strategic analysis tools on a mega-event such as F1? Aims and Objectives The aim of this research is to discuss the impact of strategic analysis tools used on mega-events, on how events such as Formula One is marketed to the beneficial of Singapores local economy. Thus, the researcher will be aiming to attain the following objectives: To identify the different strategic analysis tools used for economic impacts. To develop an understanding on how these strategic analysis tools are placed on to mega-events. To discover the influences from strategic analysis tools on mega-events such as Formula One. To examine the effectiveness of the strategic analysis tools impact on Formula One. Literature Review Mega-events such as Formula One have the ability to attract large numbers of visitors and their expenditure, which is often sought after by local tourism agencies because of their actual potential to contributing to tourism marketing and development. An important fundamental that government bodies put forward to hosting a mega-sports event is the perceived economic benefits that the event creates (Porter, 1999). It is usually claim that mega-events, such as the Formula One Grand Prix, give an incentive to business resulting in economic benefits generated which are greater than the costs, including public funding, from hosting the event. Sports entrepreneurs or government bodies typically engage consulting agencies to outline an economic impact report (Johnson and Sack, 1996). Regardless of the mega-sports event, such reports from consulting agencies normally claim a huge positive economical impact. However, there are a lot of criticisms in the academic literature on the effectiveness of these economic impact analyses. Matheson (2002; 2006) points out that many (event-sponsored) studies overstate the economic impact on local communities and Porter (1999) states that the envisioned benefits of public spending never occur. This explains that the future prospects of hosting such mega-events are worse off for developing countries and the opportunity cost of providing up-to-date facilities are greater and the need of modern infrastructure required poses a major further investment. 4.1 Impact of Events Mega events can help re-prioritise urban agendas, create post event usage debates, often stimulate urban redevelopment, and are instruments of boosterish ideologies promoting economic growth (Hiller, 2003, p. 449). Thus, these offer an extensive range of potential positive and negative impacts for host destinations and are both short- and long-term. Even though now there is significant competition between destinations, there is still significant gaps between the experience of mega-events in developing and advanced societies, between economic and non-economic outcomes. Mega-events should be part of a long-term developing and marketing plan. The hosting of mega-event can play a critical role in marketing or branding a host destination and be part of a long-term development or positioning strategy. It is important for the marketing opportunity sought from hosting a mega-event to be seen as part of a longer term strategic marketing plan for the destination as opposed to a one-off marketing event (Jago, Dwyer, Lipman, Vorster, 2010, p.231). If a host destination has a development plan in place, the hosting of a mega-event can perform as a catalyst to bringing forward future development opportunities. In this case, this often brings in merit in creating an on-going suite of events that utilises the infrastructure built for the mega-event and enhance the reputation and profile of the host destination over time. In order to formulate a plan for both short- and long-term event outcomes, the organizing committee must consider various event leveraging strategies to be adopted. (OBrien and Chalip, 2007). The leveraging perception is implicated with planning ahead of the event so that a host city can improve and maximize positive impacts such as increased business, tourism and social aspects and benefits Chalip (2004, p. 245) explains that a strategic management process must be formed and implemented in order to properly leverage the opportunities from hosting an event. Strategic analysis tools such as SWOT analysis, PEST analysis, Porters Five Forces analysis and Value Chain analysis are appropriate for the evaluation of event leveraging or marketing strategies. The following section will examine what the natures of the said four analysis tools entails and how it is applied to a strategic management process for the organization to host mega-events. 4.2 SWOT Analysis SWOT analysis is whereby an approach to analyze the aspects of the external environment, in order to identify and establish the most attractive or suitable course of action in terms of strategic decisions to be used. In the sport context, Shank (2009) found that the strengths and weaknesses are manageable elements within the establishment (in this case a host city) that may influence the objectives of the strategic management process. In this case, conducting a SWOT analysis is deemed helpful for host destinations as it can provide event organizers to recognize how the strengths of their country or city can be matched with opportunities that exist in the environment, and useful insights to leverage the benefits of the event. A brief example of a SWOT analysis on Singapore Formula One Grand Prix can be seen in Figure 1. C:UsersNoWaKiDesktopSWOT table.png Figure1 4.3 PEST Analysis PEST analysis is a useful strategic tool for understanding market growth or decline, business position, potential and direction for operations (Roumboutsos, Chiara, 2010). It understands the political, economic, socio-cultural and technological of the business environment and event managers can use PEST to scan the environment and adjust their plans to minimize threats and capitalize on opportunities. In the context of Singapores Formula One, brief examples of PEST analysis can be seen as: Political Seen as a Public Private Partnership (PPP) between the public and private sectors. Economic A stable and growing economy, translating to high consumer confidence and increase in spending Social Lack of racing events in Singapore, thus the idea of Formula One will be well received by the society. Technology Singapore ranked 2nd place of World Class IT Infrastructure by the World Economic Forum in 2011. 4.4 Porters Five Forces Analysis Porters (1980) five forces framework models the five most significant competitive rivalry forces in an industry in order to determine that industrys profitability. This serves as a proxy for the magnetism of the industry for potential entrants and determines the industries profitability. The five forces are: rivalry between competitors in the industry, bargaining power of suppliers, bargaining power of consumers, barriers to entry and threat of substitutes. Thus, in the case of Singapore Formula One, examples can be seen in Figure 2. C:UsersNoWaKiDesktopUntitled.png Figure 2 4.5 Value Chain Analysis Value Chain analysis defines each activity that takes place in a business organization and relates them to an analysis of the competitiveness in the environment. It is based on the principal that firms (or events) exist to create value for their customers and helps to identify new business opportunities. The value chain analysis includes a couple of significant theoretical distinctions, one being between primary and support activities (Porter, 1985). Primary activities create value for the customer, whereas support activities support primary activities and indirectly affect customer value. Competitive advantage involves signification and interpretation on the activity cost behavior drivers and differentiation generated by those activities. Product differentiation in turn effects what customers are willing to pay for the firms products, thus depending on the activity cost drivers leading to the end product. A simplified table used on Formula One can be seen in Figure 3. C:UsersBenjamin PhoonDesktopUntitled.png Figure 3 Theoretical Rationale Leveraging mega-events such as the Formula One can offer incentives and benefits to a host destination, relating to cultural insights, development of collaborations and improved organizational networks (Kellet et al., 2008). In order to successfully leverage the event, strategic analysis tools such as SWOT, PEST, Porters Five Forces and Value Chain Analysis associated with hosting the event can provide valuable knowledge to host destinations. Analysis of weaknesses in the operating environment, such as economic stability and political support (Shank, 2009) can also offer valuable insights for event managers and tourism providers to plan on how the host destination can reap the benefits from the sport event (OBrien and Chalip, 2007). However, mega-events can lead to an entryway to under-utilized infrastructure and debts. Jones (2001) argues that the justifications in the use of public funds are based on the economic benefits that are often overstated. The case of Montreal 1976, where they experienced a tremendous debt after hosting an event, which cost the country and its residents over CAD$2 billion in capital and interest cost (Whitson and Horne, 2006). Therefore, the selection of Strategic Choice Theory and Stakeholder Theory would be appropriate for this rationale. Stakeholder theory (Freeman, 1984) focuses the organizations efforts on developing a firm that has to deal with a multitude constituent groups other than customers and shareholders. Stakeholders groups represented are both legitimate and powerful, thus this approach seeks to widen the vision of a marketing manager, of his/her duties, rather than just being profit and customer oriented (Mitchell et al., 1997). Stakeholders are distinguished into two categories primary and secondary. Managing both primary and secondary stakeholder relationships is critical and essential for the marketing organization in achieving marketing objectives. Strategic analysis theory contends that marketing managers plays an exceptional role in a marketing firms success or failure in the market, with other factors such as product development and market repositioning efforts (Child, 1972). Strategic decisions made by managers are often made with careful considerations for the marketing firm as the primary driver, where they are able to adopt a specific type of strategy that fits their main marketing competencies. Strategic choices geared to the accomplishment of achievable strategic objectives are more likely to be effective through an open managerial decision- making process (Harrison and Pelletier, 1998). With the inter-relationship between stakeholder and strategic choice theory, stakeholders (e.g., customers, media, and shareholders) will have an influence and affect on marketing managers strategic decision making on the nature of the situation (Jawahar and Mclaughlin, 2001). A clear role of stakeholders is that they can provide necessary and vital information and if well captured by marketing firms, would lead to better organizational performance in decision making (Mori, 2010). A simple model of the process of decision making can be seen in Figure 4. C:UsersBenjamin PhoonDesktopUntitled.png Figure 4 Managers would use strategic analysis tools to measure the strengths and opportunities from stakeholders to hosting a mega-event, in this case, Formula One in Singapore and make strategic choices within constraints. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the impact of what can be classed as a major sporting event of international recognition and its implications from the perspectives of government officials, private businesses and local residents. Furthermore, sports events research has lacked exploratory findings to qualitatively examine how it impacts on the local economy. Hence, the following research will utilize a qualitative approach to begin developing an understanding of how mega-events such as Formula One would impact on the local economy using strategic analysis tools. This research will offer a basis for future qualitative research and provide relevant information to future researchers studying strategic analysis tools to evaluate and identify data relevant to strategy formulation mainly on mega-events. Research Methods The researcher will undertake a case-study and secondary data approach. This study will only be analyzed by a qualitative approach and thus, the researcher will conduct a case study based on qualitative findings. Qualitative research focuses on the gathering of more richer and in-depth data from other smaller samples (Kent, 1999). Case Study According to Yin (1984), case study research method is defined as an empirical inquiry that explores a contemporary phenomenon and the real-life context in which it occurred; when the boundaries between phenomenon and context are not clearly palpable; and in which several sources of evidence are used. The approach of a qualitative case study is to research and assists examination of an occurrence within its context and to compare using a wide range of data sources for research validity (M. Dooley, 2002). This will ensure that the focus is not explored through a single view, but a variety of views which allows for various facets of the event to be exposed and understood (Baxter Jack, 2008). Secondary Data Secondary sources will be mainly used to collect and utilized to gather qualitative data related with this research. This is especially helpful as the researcher lives in Singapore and could not acquire data of market situations from other countries holding mega-events such as Formula One. In this case, different research reports, books, electronic journals and web portals will be accessed to gather information from these sources to conduct the study of the available secondary data. Data Analysis Firstly, after collating data from secondary sources and case studies, the researcher will read and transcribed all collected data to get a general sense as a whole and ideas presented. It is crucial to take into consideration the value of the data before analysing as it may not be significant to the research. Next, the researcher will identify areas to be covered and what is to be achieved based on the aims and objectives of the research by focusing on the analysis. In this case, the researcher can focus on the analysis by comparing the data collected from various case studies and secondary sources in a qualitative perspective, in which theoretical statements and causal relationships are clearly developed from and grounded in the phenomena studied (Cumberbatch, 2004). Thus, this leads to the use of Grounded Theory where it provides a mix of flexibility and structure with unambiguous guidelines, where the researcher will adopt the usage of coding. Coding is a method of constant comparison which led to the founding of Grounded Theory on the conceptualisation of data (Jones, Keifilik and Zanko, 2005). There are three steps of coding in analysing data collected. Opening coding is about understanding and to have a constant comparison of data collected that would be fractured into conceptual codes. In this case regarding to case study methodology, the researcher may categorise factors of economic impacts from mega-events into codes such as social, environmental, strengths, benefits, etc. The next step after data has been fractured, axial coding would be used. It is the process of exploring new relationships among the data and to discover any connections between them (Warburton, 2012). The final step would be selective coding, whereby it involves picking of certain codes to construct and integrate them with the listed categories in the axial coding model as part of the approach to developing a grounded theory (Strauss and Cobin, 1998). Limitations One of the main limitations is that an independent empirical process research is not being employed due to restrictions of organizations being reluctant to provide accurate data as some sports that host mega-events are naturally secretive. F1 is heavily technologically driven; therefore the release of information is seen as a pejorative to the sport. Reliance can only be placed upon the accuracy of data provided from external sources such as case studies and mainly secondary data. However, this issue will be minimized through the approach of identifying as many different reports as possible and cross-referencing them. Timeline The Gantt chart in the appendix section will be showing the estimated time needed for each process up till the submission of the dissertation itself. Conclusion In conclusion, the researcher will use a qualitative research methodology to have a better understanding and insight of the local economic impact of mega-events, using Formula One as the key event to the research. With the study on strategic analysis tools, the researcher will be able to find out how marketing managers analyse the economic situation and make strategic decisions on for the success of leveraging mega-events. It is also vital that the researcher have an open mind without any biasness in order to obtain accurate data for the development of grounded theory while conducting this qualitative research. Nevertheless, information acquired for the research will hopefully formalize a grounded theory and to be used as guidance for future researchers and academics studying economic impact from mega-events using analytic tools, to have a better insight and build on in the future for improvement. Appendices C:UsersNoWaKiDesktopUntitled.png Planned Timeline/Gantt Chart of Dissertation
Friday, January 17, 2020
Why Do Luxury Companies Sponsor Art?
Course: The Environment of Visual Arts Administration Instructor: Prof. Carlo Lamagna Title of the paper: Why do luxury companies sponsor art? Author: Qing Zhong Why do luxury companies sponsor art? Motivations of corporate art sponsorship fall in many categories, as suggested by O'Hagan and Denice (O'Hagan,J. 2000). The analysis of this article concentrates on the external benefits a luxury company could gain from sponsoring art and particular attention will be given to the promotion of brand image, as it is a dominant motivation for corporate decision makers in order to raise brand awareness (Hitters, 1996).To examine the outcomes of art sponsorship, examples of some luxury companies will be given. These examples include but are not necessarily limited to, Deutsche Bank, LVMH and Hermes. Each example will examine one aspect of the three major motivations that can be generalized into the publicity/brand image promotion category. In addition to these three examples, a personal observ ation will be given as a complete inspection analyzing all the motivations in a flowing process.All the cases used in this article are â€Å"designer sponsorship†which means that luxury companies either initiate corporate art organizations or organize their own art events (Eamon O hOisin 1995). Instead of sponsoring existent art organizations or events, designer sponsorship allow luxury companies to take control over all aspects of the activities and thus maximizes the potential outcomes. The starting point of this discussion is the definition of sponsorship.It has been reiterated thousands of times by many luxury companies as selfless motives. However, it is not true in reality. Differing from charity or philanthropy, sponsorship is at its best a win-win situation in which sponsors put their own benefits, instead of the sponsored subjects’, in the first place. For the recipients, financial support may save them from desperate situations. For the givers, expected bene fits include earning capacity growth or transferring a responsible corporate image to the public.Luxury companies may not gain directly from their sponsorship behaviors, but they gain huge indirect bnefits from branding and image promotion to the public (Krzysztof Klincewicz, 1998). Indirect benefits relating to art sponsorship could be further detailed in three aspects. Firstly, by appearing more frequently in front of the public’s eyes on banners, boards, websites or TV news report, luxury companies propagate themselves and impress the latent clients in a way that is different from traditional advertisements.A good example worth mentioning is the Deutsche Bank’s sponsorship for various art forms, including art fairs such as the International Hong Kong Art Fair, Art Fair Tokyo, self designed art events such as â€Å"Artist of the Year†and influential long-term art projects like the cooperation between Deutsche Bank and the Guggenheim Museum. Figure 1 Hong Kong International Art Fair Sponsorship for worldly renowned art events gives Deutsche Bank a wide coverage and exposure in social media and thus expands its visibility to the public, but this kind of brand exposure is not directly related with Deutsche Bank’s products.It gives the public a fresh and indirect perspective to approach the bank and its products. As can be seen in Figure 1, whenever viewers browse on the Hong Kong Art Fair’s website, they can’t avoid noticing the little image of the bank on the right corner. Same situation applies to other art events such as the â€Å"Deutsche Bank’s Artist of the Year†. It is impossible for the media to mention this event without saying its title beginning with the â€Å"Deutsche Bank†.It is neither impossible for the public to get a first impression for the event without knowing that it is sponsored by the bank. Secondly, art sponsorship transcends the role of a narrowly defined advertising tool a nd adds meanings and value to the company and its products, which is the most essential difference between art sponsorship and sports or entertainment sponsorship (O'Hagan,J. 2000). Value creation is essential as it stimulates emotional connections in human minds and help luxury companies attract and gather key clients who share the same kind of ifestyle with their unique brands. By sponsoring art, luxury companies create images that consistently convey their value and expect potential clients connect the corporate identity with these images, which is often times not just an illusion as meaning transferring and image associations are most effective and immediate when such image links exist (Gwinner, K. 1997). Let’s take a look at Bernard Arnault‘s plan on the LVMH Museum, which has been a controversial issue since 2006 because of the conflict between the public rights and the corporate’s benefits.Figure 2 LVMH Museum The museum looks fabulous. It’s itself an art work by the renowned architect Frank Gehry, but it’s also a iconic image of the corporate self-portrait: arrogant, powerful, egocentric and elitist. The project once ceased constructing because neighbors objected: they want the space to remain green and they don't want this to be the start of more buildings in the bois, even if it's by Gehry. However, the senate finally compromised to LVMH’s superpower announcing that this project contributes to the civic pride and cultural identity of the nation.Ironically, the content of this museum may not be as democratic or liberal as stated. It will include Arnault’s private and corporate collections as well as heritage pieces from several brands such as Dior and Vuitton-those have always been regarded as belongings of the elite. Contrary to the senate’s announcement, LVMH reinforces its value and identity by building up a private coded museum that can only be decoded by the counterparts, namely, the limit ed elite who would have the sense and taste to appreciate the art in the same way the company appreciates it.Wouldn’t the public be scared off if they approach this apparently exclusive and flamboyant museum? They might come up with an even stronger conclusion that glory only belongs to the superior. As for the â€Å"lucky†elite, their requirements for supremacy can be further satisfied and therefore confirms their degree of honesty for the company. Thirdly, since sponsorship is naturally linked with social responsibility, it will relieve the public’s aversion for the luxury that is often times regarded as a superior, limited VIP belonging distinguishing the elite class from the grass roots.Promotion of public image also provides better returns in luxury companies’ rent-seeking process – that of lobbying important politicians or policy makers (O'Hagan, J. 2000). Cartier might have been excelled in establishing such a generous and socially responsi ble identity in its continuous giving for the Foundation Cartier since 1984. Besides the organization’s name, there is no link between the artworks commissioned by or in the foundation’s collection and the Cartier brand.This kind of sponsorship is therefore called the â€Å"pure†sponsorship in order to distinguish from the product-related one (O'Hagan,J. 2000). Figure 3 The Foundation Cartier The artworks in the collection travel around the world and ongoing programs take place in the foundation’s dynamic, light-filled home in Paris, which Figure 2 presents. For nearly 30 years, Foundation Cartier has been sponsoring the contemporary art in a modest and prudent manner.Though hard to notice, this conduct might have won a good reputation for Cartier and would benefit the brand enormously in its long term rent-seeking activities. Finally, in order to delineate a more consistent and comprehensive picture, an independent case based on my personal observation at the Rolex Mentor ; Protege Arts Initiative will be studied to integrate all the three motivations stated above. The Rolex Mentor and Protege Arts Initiative is an international philanthropic programme created to assist extraordinary, rising artists to achieve their full potential.It seeks out these artists from around the world and brings them together with great masters, for a year of creative collaboration in a one-to-one mentoring relationship. The event that I volunteered at was a â€Å"dinner celebrating the Mentors and Proteges of the 2010-2011 Rolex Arts Initiative†. It was actually a quite exclusive event with safeguards standing outside the entrance and all guests dressing up with their by-invitation-only cards. Admittedly, Rolex has done a lot to propagate this initiative, as can be seen on various websites, on banners, n magazines and on spot of the celebrating dinner (Refer to Figure 4). Figure 4 Entrance of the dinner for celebration the Rolex Arts Initiative However, â€Å"By Invitation Only†is what I felt for this arts initiative because during a whole year of mentoring, no public access has been allowed into the procedure all the way from selecting qualified candidates to presenting the cooperative final projects. Only the â€Å"selected†will have a real sense for what is happening within this event.This â€Å"selected†group includes the renowned artists, board of the Rolex, celebrities and business magnets, all of whom share a common character of being superior and elite (from my observation at the Rolex dinner). As the art initiative reflects the value of Rolex, it satisfies and attracts the same group of people who recognize and approve of this value. If attracting only a small group of people is what Rolex aims at, there will be some questions to ask: Does the initiative promote the public image of Rolex? Is this program contributing to the overall goodness of the society?Can the public feel the goodness an d if yes, to what extent? Information gathered from the websites or the observation did not suggest a positive answer to this question, but together they do not provide enough evidence to make a decisive conclusion. Luxury companies’ motivations for art sponsorship are tailored to the internal and external situation each company faces. They are diversified and sometimes hard to recognize, but together they stimulates information and resource exchange between art organizations, business and the public and contribute to the flourish of the art ecology.Bibliography Bulut, D. â€Å"Corporate Social Responsibility in Culture and Art. † Management of Environmental Quality 20, no. 3 (2009): 311. Comunian, R. â€Å"Toward a New Conceptual Framework for Business Investments in the Arts: Some Examples from Italy. † The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society 39, no. 3 (2009): 200. Eamon O hOisin. â€Å"Art Marketing: Sport on the Sidelines. † Ci rca no. 71 (Spring, 1995): pp. 43-45. Gwinner, K. â€Å"A Model of Image Creation and Image Transfer in Event Sponsorship. † International Marketing Review 14, no. 3 (1997): 145.Krzysztof Klincewicz. â€Å"Ethical Aspects of Sponsorship. † Journal of Business Ethics 17, no. 9/10, How to Make Business Ethics Operational: Creating Effective Alliances: The 10th Annual EBEN Conference (Jul. , 1998): pp. 1103-1110. O'Hagan, J. â€Å"Why do Companies Sponsor Arts Events? some Evidence and a Proposed Classification. † Journal of Cultural Economics 24, no. 3 (2000): 205. pp. 6. 8 Okonkwo, Uche. Luxury Fashion Branding : Trends, Tactics, Techniques. Basingstoke: Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [ 1 ]. Deusche Bank,â€Å"Art & Music: Fostering Creativity†, http://www. db. com/csr/en/art_and_music. htm (Accessed Novembe r 21). [ 2 ]. Judith H. Dobrzynski, â€Å"Paris To Get Gehry's LVMH Museum Afterall†, Arts Journel Weblog, http://www. artsjournal. com/realcleararts/2011/04/lvmh. html (Accessed November 21). [ 3 ]. LaPlaca Cohen, â€Å"Cultural Sponsorship†, http://www. laplacacohen. com (Accessed November 21). [ 4 ]. The Rolex Mentor and Protege Arts Initiative, â€Å"About the initiative†, http://www. rolexmentorprotege. com/en/ about-the-initiative/index. jsp(Accessed November 21, 11).
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Molar Heat Capacity Definition and Examples
Molar heat capacity or molar specific heat capacity is the amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of 1 mole of a substance. In SI units, molar heat capacity (symbol: cn) is the amount of heat in joules required to raise 1 mole of a substance 1 Kelvin. cn Q/ÃŽâ€T where Q is heat and ÃŽâ€T is the change in temperature. For most purposes, heat capacity is reported as an intrinsic property, meaning it is a characteristic of a specific substance. Heat capacity is measured using a calorimeter. A bomb calorimeter is used for calculations at constant volume. Coffee cup calorimeters are appropriate for finding constant pressure heat capacity. Units of Molar Heat Capacity Molar heat capacity is expressed in units of J/K/mol or J/mol ·K, where J is joules, K is Kelvin, and m is number of moles. The value assumes no phase changes occur. Youll typically start out with the value for molar mass, which is in units of kg/mol. A less common unit of heat is the kilogram-Calorie (Cal) or the cgs variant, the gram-calorie (cal). Its also possible to express heat capacity in terms of pound-mass using temperatures in degrees Rankine or Fahrenheit. Molar Heat Capacity Examples Water has a molar specific heat capacity of 75.32 J/mol ·K. Copper has a molar specific heat capacity of 24.78 J/mol ·K. Molar Heat Capacity Versus Specific Heat Capacity While molar heat capacity reflects the heat capacity per mole, the related term specific heat capacity is the heat capacity per unit mass. Specific heat capacity is also known simply as specific heat. Sometimes engineering calculations apply volumetric heat capacity, rather than specific heat based on mass. Molar Heat Capacity Key Takeaways Molar heat capacity is the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 mole of a substance by 1 Kelvin.The SI unit of molar heat capacity is the joule, so molar heat capacity is expressed in terms of J/mol ·K.Molar heat capacity is specific heat capacity per unit mass.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
The American Revolution Was Truly Revolutionary Essay
Many revolutions have taken place throughout history, ranging from the unremarkable to the truly memorable, such as the French Revolution, the Bolshevik Revolution and the American Revolution. Through an examination of the social, cultural, economic and political causes of the American Revolution, an exploration of key arguments both for and against the American Revolution, and an analysis of the social, cultural, economic and political changes brought about by the American Revolution it can be demonstrated unequivocally that the American Revolution was indeed truly revolutionary. By the time of the late 18th century, the colonies had grown socially, culturally, economically, and politically setting the mood for a majority of the†¦show more content†¦(Devore, Lecture #3.) Even though most of the credit was issued from England, it allowed the colonists to buy more things and further strengthen and enhance the cohesiveness of the colonies. By this time the colonies had already well established external trade relationships with both the Indians and other countries. One of their major trade partners was the West Indies, where the colonists procured molasses from which they made rum. (Devore, Lecture #3.) All of these economic developments – consumerism amongst the colonies, Anglicizing of the colonies, the newfound availability and use of credit and the abundance of external trade – play a major role in the reasons that lead up to the American Revolution. While all of the above social, cultural and economic circumstances were playing out and laying the groundwork for the American Revolution, several important political developments came to fruition in the concluding half of the 18th century that sealed the certainty of the American Revolution and made it inevitable. These developments, namely, the relative strengths of the local and colonial governments at the time, the betrayal of the colonies by the British Crown after King George’s War, and the end of Salutary Neglect, proved to present insurmountable odds to the colonists. Due to the growing economic activity in the colonies both locally and amongst each other as well as all of the external trade, the local and colonialShow MoreRelatedRadicalism of the American Revolution990 Words  | 4 PagesRadicalism of the American Revolution, written by Gordon S. Wood, the author states, The Revolution was the most radical and far reaching event in American history.†What about the American Revolution made it so â€Å"radical?†Wood believes it to be so radical because it not only brought change politically from British monarch to American rule which is what we are used to, but it also brought about changes in the basic structure of American society. 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Even after the warRead MoreThe American Revolutionary War Was Truly Revolutionary?1240 Words  | 5 PagesAP U.S History: D.B.Q. American Revolution Prompt: Analyze the extent to which the American Revolutionary War was truly ‘revolutionary?’†The American Revolution, which occurred approximately from 1765 to 1786, is also known as the American Revolutionary War and the U.S. War of Independence, for good reason. The conflict rose from rising tensions amid the people of Great Britain’s thirteen American colonies and the colonial government, which represented the British crown. ClashesRead MoreHow Revolutionary Was the American Revolution?1701 Words  | 7 PagesThe American Revolution would lead one of the greatest countries in the world. A superpower, at the forefront of innovation. It would become an example, a beacon, for freedom, and liberty everywhere. But how much of this was really due to the American Revolution? The American Revolution was truly revolutionary in many ways, including the new ideas of Political Equality of the Classes, Inalienable Rights, and Consent of the Governed. The American Revolution caused the movement of Political EqualityRead MoreWhat Factors During The Colonial Period Essay1636 Words  | 7 Pagescolonial period led to American colonists declaring independence from the British Empire? Be sure to discuss the economic, political, and cultural aspects of the American Revolution. PROVISIONAL HYPOTHESIS: The structure of America revolution to address a various issue, which has great impact on America It, was the procedure where the thirteen colonies of North America became independent of Great Britain also then formed a new integrated government. The major reasons of America revolution are cultural, economicRead MoreThe Revolutionary Period Of 1763 Essay1328 Words  | 6 Pages The revolutionary period of 1763 through 1830 brought newfound ideas of liberty as well as increased focus on the rights of man, promulgating new rhetoric surrounding human rights. The American Revolution launched a global movement in which the people took a stand against their oppressors and fought for governmental autonomy. This international movement brought forth new political ideology, as well as increased the voice of the people. The political thinkers associated with the various global revolutionsRead MoreThe American Revolution Revolutionary Revolution1329 Words  | 6 Pagesthe American Revoluti on was fought over liberty and freedom. It was a movement marked by action which upset the political order of the eighteenth century. However, if all the American Revolution achieved was breaking the yoke of empirical control its lasting importance would have been lost amongst the scores of colonial revolutions that came before it, such as the Dutch’s break from the Spanish or the Corsicans overthrow of the Genoese. Influenced by the period of enlightenment, the American RevolutionRead MoreEssay about The American Revolution: An Economic Movement706 Words  | 3 PagesThe American Revolution modeled the path taken by a social and economic movement in many more aspects than that of a political and intellectual movement. Even though political reasons existed for the cause the Revolution, the revolution should be considered an economic movement based on the idea of â€Å"no taxation without representation.†The colonists believed that the British rule in the colonies was extremely unfair, but these intellectual causes are greatly outnumbered by economic causes such as
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