Tuesday, December 24, 2019
India s Touristry Part Of India - 1593 Words
India s touristry part is anticipated to develop at eight.8% earlier China s over after ten years. with regards to WTTC, capital speculation of India s touristry division is expected to the touch the $22.4 billion imprint in 2015. this might be concerning eight.1 for every penny of the full venture got by the nation in that year. 1.1.1 Spirituality 1.1 exchange rundown One of the premier key areas inside of the world economy is touristry division. it s the speediest developing segments of the economy now-a-days and is foreseen to get extra monetary profit and business moreover as trade. touristry might be comprehensively talking characterized into universal touristry and between provincial touristry. each the sorts hold higher prospects and contribute towards the monetary advancement of a particular national district. touristry is of major monetary and social hugeness in each created and creating nations. It gives immediate and circuitous business opportunities and raises the nature of living and nature of the occupant populace. It furthermore backings and searches out celebrations, individuals conventions, expressions and occasions and gives a commercial center to local specialties and delivering. The touristry exchange India is generous and lively. India s touristry area is one in all most gainful segments of the nation, and furthermore made with tributary a significant amount of trade. Most profound sense of being is instituted as having profound, typically
Monday, December 16, 2019
Uncle Tom’s Cabin Free Essays
The book Uncle Tom’s Cabin, which was first published between 1851 and 1852, was written by a renowned anti-slavery crusader and author, Harriet Beecher Stow and it was received with acclamation and was also considered a masterpiece in its time. The author is accredited for writing a book that has been said to be a major contributor of the Civil War. The author herself grew up witnessing the passionate slavery debates and thus she held tight to her abolitionist ideologies. We will write a custom essay sample on Uncle Tom’s Cabin or any similar topic only for you Order Now From the onset of the book it is clear that the author generally writes to convince the Northern readership on the need to end slavery. She exposes the horrors of the ongoing slavery that was predominant in the south. Stowe does not shy away from expressing her religious views by emphasizing the importance of Christian love in order to tackle oppression. The author also in this book also propels her feminist’s views and thus portrays women as an equal gender in the society. One of the strengths that the book harbors is the impact it had on the society and also the understanding that one gains of the factors that led to the war. However, a weakness of the book can be found on the author herself since it can be argued that the author’s limited experience of life in the southern area made her to have an inaccurate description of the region. However, looking at the strengths of the book it is easier to see how they outweigh the weaknesses. The book is hailed as one that captures the wild imagination of many Americans and its rich historical context of the events that led to the civil war portrays the book in good light. How to cite Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Elizabeth Bishop And Her Poem filling Station Essay Example For Students
Elizabeth Bishop And Her Poem filling Station Essay Elizabeth Bishop And Her Poem filling StationElizabeth Bishop and Her Poem Filling StationElizabeth Bishops skill as a poet can be clearly seen in the thought-provoking poem entitled Filling Station. She paints the different languagelevels of poetry with the skill of an artist she seems to have an eye fordetail as she contrasts the dark and dim reference of a filling station to amore homey, pleasant atmosphere. Bishop aptly arranges her words andexpressions through the language devices of voice and metaphor. In Filling Station, Bishop uses tone of voice brilliantly, through theuse of phonetics, to create the poems initial atmosphere. The opening seems tobe offering a straightforward description of the filling station: Oh, but itis dirty!/ -this little filling station,/ oil-soaked, oil-permeated/ to adisturbing, over-all/ black translucency. A closer inspection of the passagereveals quite a visual oil-soaked picture. This is created in large part by theoily sounds themselves. When spoken out-loud the diphthong oi in oil createsa diffusion of sound around the mouth that physically spreads the oil soundaround the passage. An interesting seepage can also be clearly seen whenlooking specifically at the words oil-soaked, oil-permeated and grease-impregnated. These words connect the oi in oily with the word following itand heighten the spreading of the sound. Moreover, when studying the oiatmosphere throughout the poem the oi in doily and embroidered seems toparticularly stand out. The oozing o f the grease in the filling station movesto each new stanza with the mention of these words: In the fourth stanza, bigdim doily, to the second last stanza, why, oh why, the doily? /Embroideredto the last stanza, somebody embroidered the doily. Whereas the oi sound created an oily sound of language throughout thepoem, the repetitive ow sound achieves a very different syntactical feature. The cans which softly say: /ESSOSOSOSO create a wind-like blowingeffect from the mouth. Each SO allows for a sort of visual metaphor to beseen cars or the personified high-strung automobiles as they pass on by. Not only are oi and ow sounds effectively used in this poem to create aunique tone but so is the use of the cacophony k sound. In-between the oozingeffect of the oil, the reader is drawn to the sharp clicking of the k in wordslike comfy, crochet, comic,color and cans. Bishop seems to be payingspecial attention to these words as the words themselves have double meaning. The poet does not want the reader to forget that they are in the harshconditions of the filling station, hence the jarring k sound, yet the meaningof the words suggest a kind, comfortable atmosphere. Bishops attention to the sense of sound throughout the poem aids withthe metaphoric meaning of the poem as a whole. At a very simplistic level, thepoem begins with the setting of a filthy gas station, or perhaps somewhere elsewhere conditions are not very clean, like a ghetto for example. Combining theoily nature (ie- oil-soaked and oil-permeated)and the depressing concretness(ie- cement porch and grease-impregnated wickerwork) the reader preparesfor a very somber and even corrupt story-line. Oil and concrete are usuallyassociated with the spoiling of the natural, wholesome environment. The readeris then introduced to the type of character thought to inhabit an environment ofthis nature: a Father wears a dirty,/ oil-soaked monkey suit and greasy sonsassist him. At this point Bishop shifts the metaphoric meaning of the poemwith the introduction of the word comfy. Although the dog is dirty or oil-soaked it does not seem to mind the surroundings. Oil is still very much partof the atmosp here but its effect is not as disastrous. If a match was lit, aswarned in the line be careful with that match! it would not be as lethal assuggested. Instead of oil, beauty begins to seep between the lines. Thebrightness of comic books, an embroidered doily daintily sitting upon the table,a huge, shaggy plant these little touches of pleasantries add to a much homierenvironment. Someone seems to have taken great care and pride into preservingwhat little cleanliness they can manage as, afterall, somebody embroidered thedoily and somebody waters the plant. Although still somewhat out of place inthis filling station these cheerful additions are really what make the station. .ud4b94576c66e27353606053ba1e7e4f1 , .ud4b94576c66e27353606053ba1e7e4f1 .postImageUrl , .ud4b94576c66e27353606053ba1e7e4f1 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ud4b94576c66e27353606053ba1e7e4f1 , .ud4b94576c66e27353606053ba1e7e4f1:hover , .ud4b94576c66e27353606053ba1e7e4f1:visited , .ud4b94576c66e27353606053ba1e7e4f1:active { border:0!important; } .ud4b94576c66e27353606053ba1e7e4f1 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ud4b94576c66e27353606053ba1e7e4f1 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ud4b94576c66e27353606053ba1e7e4f1:active , .ud4b94576c66e27353606053ba1e7e4f1:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ud4b94576c66e27353606053ba1e7e4f1 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ud4b94576c66e27353606053ba1e7e4f1 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ud4b94576c66e27353606053ba1e7e4f1 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ud4b94576c66e27353606053ba1e7e4f1 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ud4b94576c66e27353606053ba1e7e4f1:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ud4b94576c66e27353606053ba1e7e4f1 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ud4b94576c66e27353606053ba1e7e4f1 .ud4b94576c66e27353606053ba1e7e4f1-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ud4b94576c66e27353606053ba1e7e4f1:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Does poor communication cause conflict? EssayEven a wild and foreign plant like that of the begonia finds a home among thefamilys guardianship. Although in reality this family lives in the run-downstation they, themselves do not have to actually become the station. Bishop isperhaps trying to suggest that although each of us live perhaps always or attimes, in disarray and turmoil there can be that small part in us that stillsearches for hope and normalcy. We each need a comfy filling station. Andalthough judgmental onlookers, or as Bishop writes the high-strung automobiles,may only want to see the dirtiness of an individual character, a family orsituation, they need to real ize that if they look deep enough, light will shinethrough. Somebody loves us all if we are only to give the thought and time. Afterall, even an automobile needs oil every once in a while to continue downits path. In conclusion, it can be clearly seen that Elizabeth Bishop in the poemFilling Station has wonderfully played with different levels of language likevoice and metaphor. The reader becomes actively involved in questioning theirown filling station and the care they give toward it. Is he or she the station,one who drives by the station or one who gives to the station?BibliographyBishop, Elizabeth. Filling Station. An Introduction to Poetry. Eds. DanaGioia and X.J. Kennedy. Eighth Edition. New York: HarperCollins CollegePublishers, 1994.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
The Rampart Scandle free essay sample
The Rampart Scandal is about a widespread corruption in the community resources against street hoodlums or better known as â€Å"CRASH†anti-gain unit of the LAPD Rampart division in the late 1990s. More than 70 police officers in the CRASH unit were implicated in misconduct, making it one of the worst cases of documented police misconduct in US history. The convicted offenses include unprovoked shootings, unprovoked beatings, planting of evidence, framing of suspects, steeling and dealing narcotics, bank robbery, perjury, and covering up evidence of these activities.The Rampart Scandal is well known in pop culture because at least 3 rampart police were found to be on the pay roll of hip hop mogul Suge knight of death roll records, a convicted felon with known ties to the bloods gang. Detective testimony and a wrongful death law suit filed on April 16, 2007 holds Rampart CRASH officers responsible for the 1997 drive by murder of multi-platinum selling hi hop recording artist Notorious B. We will write a custom essay sample on The Rampart Scandle or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I. G. During the time line of this scandal there was a long list of officers and cases that are well known to America.At the top of this list was officer David Mack a member of the bloods and ties with death roll records. On November 6,1997 722,000 dollars was stolen in an armed robbery of Los Angeles branch of Bank Of America. David went into the bank asking security to get into his safety deposit box. He was involved with a women by the name Errolyn Romero, who was an Ass. Manager at the bank. Romero buzzed him through the first gate, then lest her window and unlocked a second security door that opened into the vault area.Mack then pushed Romero to the floor, opened his suit jacket to reveal a semiautomatic pistol hanging from a shoulder strap, pointing it at two woman counting the money and threatened them. By the time Mack and his accomplices dump there white van a half mile away, they had pulled off one of the largest heis in Los Angeles history. One month later his girlfriend confess to her role in the crime and implicated her boyfriend, David Mack as the master mind.Mack was found guilty and sentenced to 14 years in federal prison. Mack was one of many officers that didnt cooperate with police after getting caught. He was never revealed the were abouts of the money, bragging to fellow inmates that he would be a millionaire by the time he is released Based on the statements of the admitted corrupt cop Perez, implicated over 70 officers of wrong doing. Of those officers, only enough evidence was found to bring 58 before an internal administrative board.Only 24 were actually found to have committed any wrongdoing, with 12 given suspensions of various lengths, 7 resigned, and 5 fired. Because of this, 106 prior criminal convictions were over turned. This Scandal resulted in more than 140 civil law suits against the city of Los Angeles, causing the city an estimated 155 million in settlements. As of 2011 the fulled extent of Rampart corruption is not known, with several rape, murder and robbery investigations involving Rampart police remaining unsolved.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Cell Phone essays
Cell Phone essays The Development of Cellular Telephones Have you ever stopped to think what it would was like before we had cell phones? You couldnt just call from your car if you were running late for work, in a wreck, or trying to find directions. Technology is increasing day by day, and going to do nothing but get bigger. With every new bit of technology we get, there are always good and bad to come. Finding these problems is what makes technology interesting. Since a cellular telephone is really a two way radio, you can start tracking cell phone history back to 1876 with the invention of the telephone by Alexander Graham Bell(********). In addition, to the telephone there had to be another part this is where the radio invented by Guglielmo Marconi came in 1895(********). A cell phone uses up two frequencies, one for sending your voice out and one which allows one to come in. This is why cell phones are considered two way radios, or full-duplex devices(******) this way more than one person can communicate at a time, instead of a half-duplex for instance a walkie-talkie which only allows one person to talk at a time(******). It was not until 1984 that cell phones were first mass marketed to the public (*notes*). This was a boom in technology as it still continues to rise. Any time any where you could call who ever, where ever you wished. Many service providers used wireless plans. This allowed you to have certain minutes, and ranges whic h you could travel with your phone before roaming. The more you paid the better your plan you could receive. Any time you went over your minutes or out of your area of range they stuck it to you, and it appeared on your bill. As technology grows spontaneously new and improved ideas come out. At the beginning cell phones where very bulky and not many people had them, mostly just the people who had money to blow. Now days you can get a phone that can fit into the palm of your hand, and every one ...
Friday, November 22, 2019
24 Famous Quotes About Beauty
24 Famous Quotes About Beauty When you see a vibrant flower or a peacock majestically strutting his colorful plumes, revere the beauty of nature. Beauty is everywhere. Appreciate the beauty around you while beauty is still in its prime. Here are some famous quotes on beauty to inspire you to admire the beauty around you. Joseph AddisonThere is nothing that makes its way more directly to the soul than beauty.Leo TolstoyIt is amazing how complete is the delusion that beauty is goodness.Carol BotwinPick a man for his human qualities, his values, his compatibility with you, rather than what he represents in status, power or good looks.Edmund BurkeBeauty in distress is much the most affecting beauty.Jean KerrIm tired of all the nonsense about beauty being only skin-deep. Thats deep enough. What do you want an adorable pancreas?Johann Wolfgang von GoetheThe soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone.John KeatsBeauty is truth, truth beauty.John Kenneth GalbraithThere is certainly no absolute standard of beauty. That precisely is what makes its pursuit so interesting.Alexander PopeFair tresses mans imperial race ensnare/And beauty draws us with a single hair.Lord ByronShe walks in beauty like the night Of cloudless climes and starry skies; And all thats best of dark and bright Meet in her aspect and her eyes: Thus mellowed to that tender light Which heaven to gaudy day denies. Henry David ThoreauThe perception of beauty is a moral test.Oscar WildeNo object is so beautiful that, under certain conditions, it will not look ugly.Saint AugustineSince love grows within you, so beauty grows. For love is the beauty of the soul.Friedrich NietzscheWomens modesty generally increases with their beauty.Anne RoipheA woman whose smile is open and whose expression is glad has a kind of beauty no matter what she wears.Kahlil GibranBeauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.Ralph Waldo EmersonNever lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful, for beauty is Gods handwriting.Ernest HemingwayThe echoes of beauty youve seen transpire, Resound through dying coals of a campfire.D. H. LawrenceBeauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow or a communicated sense of fineness.Hellen KellerThe best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched they must be felt w ith the heart. VoltaireBeauty pleases the eyes only; sweetness of disposition charms the soul.Alexis CarrelThe love of beauty in its multiple forms is the noblest gift of the human cerebrum.Marcus Aurelius AntoninusWhatever is in any way beautiful hath its source of beauty in itself, and is complete in itself; praise forms no part of it. So it is none the worse nor the better for being praised.Louisa May AlcottLove is a great beautifier.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Organizations' pursuit of continuing resources from their environment Research Paper
Organizations' pursuit of continuing resources from their environment - Research Paper Example However, successful organizations enjoy the growth and organizational effectiveness. With the increasing globalization, the competition among the organizations is increasing because in the previous years, only a few organizations used to compete for the resources in a specific geographical location whereas, today, the organizations across the geographical region can also enter to compete for resources. The aim of this study is to discuss the organizations’ pursuit of continuing resources from their environment. How organizations compete for resources? What are the consequences and costs of obtaining resources? How the attainment of resources varies based on the type of organization, environment and organizations’ stages of development? In this research study, the answers to all of these questions will be given. In order to investigate the research objectives in this research study, a qualitative research methodology has been used. The secondary information and the research work of the other researchers have been used. The academic publications, theoretical framework, real examples and empirical research have been used to determine the answers to the mentioned questions. Because of the nature of the study and the adopted methodology, the critical analysis approach has been used to quantitatively analyze the collected data and literature. The organizations are highly dependent on their environment to attain the resources for their survival and growth. The interdependence exists between the organizations and environment in the form of transactions, in which the limited resources are exchanged under a competitive environment. Since the organizations compete for these resources therefore, to what extent they have been able to access the resources over a period time, determine their success and organizational effectiveness (Yuchtman & Seashore, 1967).Various relationships exist among organizations
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Anthropology of humor Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Anthropology of humor - Assignment Example Grandparents and grandchildren are expected to fill this role. The worst choice of local mediator would be anj-umba who has a bukangandu (cold, distant) relationship with both Anji and Ego. The anj-umba would likely sit and stare into space, having no eye contact with either Anji or Ego. Obviously, this strategy would not settle any disputes; and more tension would occur. The worst choice of mediator would be the Western marriage councilor. The Western therapist would have no idea what the issues were or how resolution works among the Ndake. The Westerner would try to delve into root causes and common ground when the Ndake resolve the hurt feelings, not the topic of conflict. The Western African conflict resolution technique is intriguing. The core conflict is less important than the relationship resolution. This form of therapy actually mirrors the Golden Rule well; do you want others to forgive your transgressions, if so, then forgiving others now sets that precedent. Ethnic humor is disturbing when used to target a group for ridicule. It is a common form of toxic humor. Some groups choose to joke about themselves as a form of therapy. The danger is separating those who laugh â€Å"with†and those who laugh â€Å"at†. Jewish humor serves to teach, explain and maintain dignity among the Jews. The Talmud Law teachings could be so complex, traditional Jewish humor used absurdity to define limits of these laws. Throughout history, Jews have been in the entertainment business disproportionately. Vaudeville acts would go to the Catskills and the Borscht Belt circuit. Now television has a large Jewish entertainer population. Saul Bellow, famous Jewish author, claims the oppressed must be witty as a survival skill. (BrainyQuote.com) The Jewish humor is based on religious belief, of course, assimilation into society, self deprecation and wits. Laughing with your peer group helps understand the human comedy that is that group. From
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Using Energy Drinks Essay Example for Free
Using Energy Drinks Essay Introduction In this essay I will be talking about the cons of using energy drinks. I will give examples from articles, in which energy drinks caused people to go to the hospital. I will explain how energy drinks boosts you up and brings you down. In this essay I will be talking about a few energy drinks specifically. Using Energy Drinks According to the Colorado Gazette, Redline drink and others have been linked to health complications. Like heart problems, hypertension, and others. In Colorado, a school banned these kind of drinks and recommended a 7-11 store to stop selling these. A 15 year old girl, an athlete, was drinking the REDLINE POWER RUSH energy drink, and passed violently shaking and extreme salivitation, she died. several others have been reporting going to the er for chest tightness, shortness of breath, severe heart palpitations, increased heart rate, fixed and dilated pupils and hypertension. Recent reviews of this drink conclude a contributing factor not only an OD on caffeine, but drinking energy drinks on an empty stomach can lead to the stomach absorbing the drink, thus causing symptoms of nausea, salivating, sweating, headaches, neck pain and so on. This drink is supposed to be a dieting and energy drink. Usually people who work out a lot or diet, are eating nutritiously, mind you, that may be why some people are not affected by the ingredients in the drink. Those are: -Caffeine Citrate, Caffeine Anhydrous, Evoburnâ„ ¢ (Pure Evodiamine), N-acetyl-tyrosine, Yerbe Mate, Green Tea, 5-hydroxy-L-tryptophan, CAMP (adenosine cyclic 3? ,5? -monophosphate), Vinpocetine, Yohimbine HCL. -also the amount of caffeine in one 2 ounce bottle of this stuff is about 250 mg. that is like nearly 3x the amount recommended on a daily basis. So if you are one who drinks the energy drinks there are some warnings, so incase you are not aware of them they follow: -if you are under the age of 16 this is not recommended.- if you have any medical condition especially with the heart DO NOT DRINK THIS. if you have any type of sleeping disorder this is not for you. if you are on any type of blood thinner, bod pressure med, or anti depressants, do not drink this drink -do not take this drink with ANY other type of diet aide, this can cause a problem.. and when drinking this drink, if you have never had this please don’t drink more than 3 capfuls (. 63 fl. oz. ), dont consume more than 1/2 of the bottle, and don’t consume more than one bottle a day. Conclusion. In closing, I think using energy drinks is bad for you. Energy drinks boosts you up and when you come of that energy burst you feel drained. I am against using any form of energy drink. In Maryland, a 21 year old woman died using the energy drink four loko, an energy drink with alcohol. I wouldn’t use energy drinks, I’m one of those people who, if I know something important is coming up, I make sure I am well rested. References www. gazette. com/ www. nydailynews. com/ /2010-11-12_marylanders_want_four_loko_off_shelves_after_controversia l_cocktail_blamed_for_w. html.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Ecstasy and the Youth :: essays research papers
     Rave as a Post- Modern Phenomena is continuing to increase is size. Every year more teenagers discover the potential of this way to have fun. They suddenly feel part of something, which they enjoy. However, the rave phenomena primarily depended of taking the drugs. Unfortunately, like any other culture, or cult hippies is self-stupefying. This means that the ignorance of the Ravers maintains as the existence of Raves. Those who become part of such drug taking culture, the problem often intensified, due to the lack of sport with in the raving community, who are still having too much fun. This is made worse because, there is also a lack of support in the community for the victims of recreational drug abuse.      Rave culture is highly attractive to the youth audience in general, regardless of class or ethnic background. Raves are non-elitist, and are primarily for the working class. This makes Raves quit different from all other postmodern sub-cultures. The legalization of a Rave has not prevented the illegal taking of the drugs. This means that there are a lot of young people indulging in Rave culture and recreational drug taking every weekend.      Rave has provided an environment where drugs like ecstasy are socially acceptable. Rave like other cult is self-stupefying and refuses to question the taking of the drugs affecting its continual and successful existence. â€Å"Recreational drug users often see only benefits only from drug use and at this stage will have control over the drug taking, despite using drug on regular basis. However recreational drug use does not mean problem free drug use. For this reason it is vital to raise awareness about some of the known effects of the drug use. Both within the raving community and the general public, after all the young Ravers of today a whole generation, who will ultimately affect the future of the country?      Many young people feel Ecstasy allows them to stay in control unlike alcohol. In an article by Sheila Henderson she particularly emphasis’s the attraction of Ecstasy and the E-culture for young women. She suggests that women felt that being in an environment where every one was on Ecstasy, rather than say alcohol, freed from unwanted sexual attention from men. She state, â€Å"Instead of being tied to a boyfriend, having to stick close to friends, feeling self-conscious about appearance or dace style or intimidated by attention from men, the young women occupied this social space with confidence, circulating and meeting new people independently.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Computers Science Essay
Living just for existence has never been the objectives of my life.I have always looked forward to get the best out of my life. As a student of Bachelor of Technology in E.I.E(Electronics&Instrumentation Engineering), I look to graduate study to widen my ken, which would facilitate in fulfilling my ambition of doing Master’s program in Computer Science Engineering. Technology and its myriad aspects fascinate me! Specifically the Computers stream that pervades all areas of business in today’s world. I have been interested in problem solving from a very young age, especially problems related to mathematics. Now that I have completed my bachelor’s degree, and working as a programming developer in Cloud computing Technology for 13 months,has made me to so fascinated for technology and moved my steps towards learning software languages.i feel pursuing masters in Computers would give me an ample scope in fullfilling my dreams as a good developer and have a research project in cloud computing. Deep in my heart, I feel this inordinate urge to do whatever possible within my reach for the less fortunate would take me forward in achieving my goals. Integrity, both in thought and action has meant everything to me. My strong set of value has helped me grow into a responsible citizen with a keen sense of duty. It has also furthered my thirst for newer horizon. This course is one of them. It’s a pathway to newer grounds, pivotal to both my professional and personal agenda. My objective for a master’s degree is to get involved in such a course which could help me in achieving my ultimate goal. I believe that a career in such a field in an intellectually stimulating academic environment will offer me an excellent way to contribute my bit to the life long process of development and dissemination of knowledge. I am fully aware of the kind of dedication and hard work needed, and I am confident of meeting the challenges. Interactions with your theoretical & technical expertise of the faculty and the environment in the University will add to my vision. Understanding this quest needs considerable persistence & an infinite capacity to learn. And if at all I can assure you of anything, it is my desire to learn, evinced by the fact, that I have always tried learning, whenever an opportunity presented itself at all points of my life Why Computers Science? I was thoroughly fascinated by the Computers and technology from my teenage days I always thought that computers was my career option as I was greatly influenced by my brother who is a successful person in this field .But for my undergraduate course I opted for the electronics and instrumentation due to the recession at that time because of which the future in computers was unclear. It was easy for me to go for electronics as it has been my subject of interest next to computers. I was introduced to the subjects C, Computer Organisation,Micro Processor& Micro Apllications, Java .Especially java in my 4th year of Btech and I started liking the subject instantly because during whole of my life I was amused with the OOPS concepts and its real time implementation in many domains,mobile applications. I wish to join the bandwagon in this field of study and would like to contribute something to it. It was only during my under graduate course that I discovered this to be an apt field of study that suited me and my passion for it grew much stronger and I felt reaching distances in this field is my destiny. so ,I have made ground myself and got successfully placed in multinational company(TCS). This is the place where i found myself and started developing penchant for programming and decided it as my career for future.As,I had my training in java and later my first project was on Cloud Computing technology,Salesforce( CRM tool) as a developer which has OOPS concepts with apex language as its programming core.My project was on insurance domain.I really felt that this is good opportunity to learn things and grabbed every opportunity to learn the concepts. As it was enterperneur tool , i had a good scope for analysing requirements and work accordingly to complete goals assigned to me on time . I had also pursued DEV 401 certification in Salesforce.This 13 months of job experience has made me to decide that programming would be my passion and decided have concrete skills in programming and decided to pursue masters in computer science. A thorough browsing through the web pages of your university helped me discover that your university is an ensemble of excellent faculty and innovative research facilities. An environment replete with extensive academic activity and a Master’s program at the cutting edge of every other sub-field further enticed me and motivated me to choose your university. I strongly feel that Masters in Computer Science Engineering Program from your University is a highly structured program because it provides the right balance between theory and practice.A premier seat of knowledge and information derived from the cream of intelligentsia coupled with excellent infrastructure is where I would get ample oppurtunities to apply knowledge and excel my programming skills to be a technical gem. I write to you with the earnest that my background and qualifications will be found suitable for admission to this prestigious program,Masters in Computer Science Engineering from your University. An assistantship besides providing financial support would give me an invaluable research/ teaching experience. I am keen to be a part of the student community at your esteemed university with suitable financial assistance. I am very much obliged to you for providing me with this opportunity to express myself.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Courtly Love: Troilus and Criseyde Essay
Courtly love was an idea that was based on a love that was many times illicit and chivalrous. Geoffrey Chaucer was an expert at portraying courtly love in the Canterbury Tales and in Troilus and Criseyde. In Troilus and Criseyde it is more focused since the story revolves more around the two characters while in the Canterbury Tales there are many stories and they are about multiple topics. Like courtly love the story of Troilus and Criseyde originate in France, but Chaucer wrote his version somewhere between 1381 and 1386. He took the liberty of changing the story some, but it is basically left intact. The story is about a Trojan prince, Troilus and the daughter of a Trojan priest, Criseyde and it takes place during the famous Trojan War. Courtly love is a romance that is forbidden in some way. Many times it is adulterous and it can be sexual, but often times it is not. Even if sex is not a part of the romance, there is an extreme amount of sexual tension between the two lovers. If the affair was not adulterous, then at least one of the lovers was attached to someone else in some way. It could be that one were betrothed or promised by a parent to another. It could, in some cases, be considered adulterous if one of the lovers has promised their lives to a higher calling, as to the church, the military, or to service in some way to his/her country. The fact that courtly love was forbidden made the tension more intense and so was the attraction. There is something in knowing that a person cannot have another that makes it that much more excitable. Therefore the lust and longing was much greater. Troilus and Criseyde do not fit courtly love in that respect. They are not promised to anyone else, however, because of the Trojan War, it was difficult for them to have a proper romance. Criseyde’s father does crossover to the side of the Greeks against his own country of Troy. This leaves Criseyde to be seen as someone who is not loyal to Troy. The son of King Priam, Troilus, would not be a suitable lover to one from the family of Calkas. That is the closest that the story of Troilus and Criseyde come to being a forbidden or illicit romance. Early in the story, Troilus is struck by the god of love he pines for Criseyde until he is miserable. Courtly love often makes the two lovers despondent. While he is pining and singing of his love, Pandarus, a relative of Criseyde, begs him to divulge the name of the woman who has his heart. `Therfore, as freend fullich in me assure, And final cause of wo that ye endure; For douteth nothing, myn entencioun Nis nought to yow of reprehencioun, To speke as now, for no wight may bireve A man to love, til that him list to leve. (Chaucer, Book I lines 680-686) Troilus confides in his friend and Pandarus agrees to aide him in a plan to obtain the lady who he loves. This is also a part of courtly love. Many times elaborate plans are conceived in order for one lover to obtain or be able to see the other lover. This has even carried into present day. Many find the planning of the romance more excitable than the romance itself. The third party who is often involved in courtly love in this case is Pandarus. He goes back to Criseyde and reveals the account of Troilus being in love with her. Now, nece myn, the kinges dere sone, The goode, wyse, worthy, fresshe, and free, Which alwey for to do wel is his wone, The noble Troilus, so loveth thee, That, bot ye helpe, it wol his bane be. Lo, here is al, what sholde I more seye? Doth what yow list, to make him live or deye. (Chaucer Book II lines 316-322) He glamorizes so that she will be more intrigued. He also reminds her of her advance in age. He is generous of his time and devotion to the affair that will not be his own because he has been unlucky in love and truly wants to see two people have what has eluded him. The third party in courtly love does have pure intentions. Criseyde is reluctant to receive the love of Troilus until she gathers with her female friends. She hears Antigone sing of love and then she sleeps and dreams of a white eagle with whom she exchanges hearts. When she awakes, she knows that this was a sign and that she should receive the advances of Troilus. This is the sign that is common in courtly love. Often higher powers are involved in the relationship and they do send signs to either one or both of the lovers. In the case of these lovers, it is Criseyde who has the revelation. Courtly love is often ritualistic. In the case of Troilus and Criseyde, there is very little time for rituals of the heart. Criseyde is on the side of the enemy of Troilus and so the act of gifts, songs, and poems cannot be something that would take long in the case of these lovers. Most of the planning in the case of this romance is on the part of Pandarus instead of Troilus. Pandarus busies himself with delivering letters back and forth between the lovers. Criseyde plays her part of in courtly love in being demur. It is not that she is not interested in Troilus, but she plays hard to get in order to create the sexual tension that is needed to achieve the affect. Not only is Troilus excited, but Pandarus is enjoying himself as well. Courtly love has to be a secret. A few are allowed to know, but only trusted friends or servants are a party to the affair. The love is supposed to be so special and intense that it would be ruined if many knew of it. This is the case with Troilus and Criseyde. Pandarus plans a meeting between the lovers at the house of Deiphebus. Troilus is to pretend to have a fever and go to bed. Criseyde, who will be a guest at the house is to be bought in to his bedchamber. They are both instructed by Pandarus to not tell anyone else. In titering, and pursuite, and delayes, The folk devyne at wagginge of a stree; And though ye wolde han after merye dayes, But now to yow, ye lovers that ben here, Was Troilus nought in a kankedort, That lay, and mighte whispringe of hem here, And thoughte, `O lord, right now renneth my sort Fully to dye, or han anoon comfort’; And was the firste tyme he shulde hir preye Of love; O mighty God, what shal he seye? Pandarus brings Criseyde to the bedchamber of Troilus where he declares his intentions to her. By this time there is a lot of sexual tension between the two. This will not be the when they consummate their love, but they do agree that they both want the same thing from the other. This is when many more letters are exchanged by the two. They are once again building the tension in each other. Pandarus then invites Criseyde to his home for dinner, while Troilus hides and watches the two. Criseyde stays at his home because of the weather, and it is then that he persuades her to see Troilus in the bedchamber. Tension is built again as in any good example of courtly love. Criseyde faints, and Troilus is terrified that she is dead. She is revived and they talk of their love. It is then that they are able to consummate their love. Reson wil not that I speke of sleep, For it accordeth nought to my matere; God woot, they toke of that ful litel keep, But lest this night, that was to hem so dere, Ne sholde in veyn escape in no manere, It was biset in joye and bisinesse Of al that souneth in-to gentilnesse (Chaucer, Book III lines 1408-1414) Criseyde must then go to the Greeks and their king, Diomede. There is always something that will separate lovers in courtly love. Since Criseyde’s father, Calkas, has joined the Greeks it leaves her no choice. Troilus relents and believes that she will remain true to him. For mannes heed imaginen ne can, Ne entendement considere, ne tonge telle The cruel peynes of this sorwful man, That passen every torment doun in helle. For whan he saugh that she ne mighte dwelle, Which that his soule out of his herte rente, Withouten more, out of the chaumbre he wente. (Chaucer Book IV lines 1695-1701) However Diomede offers her his protection and we automatically see a new romance in the making. Troilus pines the whole time that she is gone. It becomes apparent after much time has passed that she is not going to return. Criseyde is invited to dine with Diomede and this is when he talks to her about love. She readily agrees to stay with the Greeks and become his lover. And after this the story telleth us, That she him yaf the faire baye stede, The which he ones wan of Troilus; And eek a broche (and that was litel nede) That Troilus was, she yaf this Diomede. And eek, the bet from sorwe him to releve, She made him were a pencel of hir sleve. (Chaucer, Book V Lines 1037-1043) While this is taking place, Troilus is being warned through bad dreams that all is not well for him and his relationship with Criseyde. When the dream was interpreted for him, he refuses to accept that she is not to return and has taken a new lover. He writes her many times and her letters are cool. Once he sees Diomede wearing a piece of jewelry that he gave to Criseyde, he knows the truth and he is devastated. Troilus is killed in battle and is then taken to a level of the afterlife where he enjoys great pleasures. God woot, that it a sorwe is unto me! And dredelees, for hertes ese of yow, Right fayn wolde I amende it, wiste I how. And fro this world, almighty God I preye, Delivere hir sone; I can namore seye. ‘ Gret was the sorwe and pleynt of Troilus; But forth hir cours fortune ay gan to holde. Criseyde loveth the sone of Tydeus, And Troilus moot wepe in cares colde. Swich is this world; who so it can biholde, In ech estat is litel hertes reste; God leve us for to take it for the beste! (Chaucer, Book V lines 1739-1750) Chaucer makes the point that earthly things are not worth the pain and grief that is given to them. Courtly love is not the kind of love that will last. There is always some fateful event or circumstance that will separate the two lovers.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free Essays on The Constitutional Significance Of Marbury V. Madison
The Constitutional Significance of Marbury v. Madison Our nations birth was culminated by the production of the Constitution. This document outlines our country’s expectations and guidelines. It is a document which is written so perfectly that it can be very flexible to sufficiently govern our nations current needs, and on the other hand very tight to withstand time. The Constitution is a document of definitions. It defines relationships and states what the government can and can not get away with. It has a remarkable capability of reaching compromises and its authority is given to it by the people. With the vast capabilities this document possesses, it must be interpreted correctly and fairly. Judicial Review grants the Supreme Court the power to do so. Judicial review is a power held by the Court that enables them to prevent the enforcement of laws or other governmental decisions that it determines to be repugnant to the Constitution. The Supreme Court case, Marbury v. Madison, solidified this power. This case was one of the first cases which let the Courts set a precedent of power. John Marshall shaped the role that the courts would play. He understood that if the Court awarded Marbury a writ of mandamus, the Jefferson administration would ignore it, and thus significantly weaken the authority of the courts. On the other hand, if the Court denied the writ, it might well appear that the justices had acted out of fear. Either case would be a denial of the basic principle of the supremacy of the law. The Constitutional Significance is the assumption of several powers by the Supreme Court. One was the authority to declare acts of Congress, and by implication acts of the president, unconstitutional if they exceeded the powers granted by the Constitution. But even more important, the Court became the arbiter of the Constitution, the final authority on what the document meant. The Supreme Court became in fact as well as in the... Free Essays on The Constitutional Significance Of Marbury V. Madison Free Essays on The Constitutional Significance Of Marbury V. Madison The Constitutional Significance of Marbury v. Madison Our nations birth was culminated by the production of the Constitution. This document outlines our country’s expectations and guidelines. It is a document which is written so perfectly that it can be very flexible to sufficiently govern our nations current needs, and on the other hand very tight to withstand time. The Constitution is a document of definitions. It defines relationships and states what the government can and can not get away with. It has a remarkable capability of reaching compromises and its authority is given to it by the people. With the vast capabilities this document possesses, it must be interpreted correctly and fairly. Judicial Review grants the Supreme Court the power to do so. Judicial review is a power held by the Court that enables them to prevent the enforcement of laws or other governmental decisions that it determines to be repugnant to the Constitution. The Supreme Court case, Marbury v. Madison, solidified this power. This case was one of the first cases which let the Courts set a precedent of power. John Marshall shaped the role that the courts would play. He understood that if the Court awarded Marbury a writ of mandamus, the Jefferson administration would ignore it, and thus significantly weaken the authority of the courts. On the other hand, if the Court denied the writ, it might well appear that the justices had acted out of fear. Either case would be a denial of the basic principle of the supremacy of the law. The Constitutional Significance is the assumption of several powers by the Supreme Court. One was the authority to declare acts of Congress, and by implication acts of the president, unconstitutional if they exceeded the powers granted by the Constitution. But even more important, the Court became the arbiter of the Constitution, the final authority on what the document meant. The Supreme Court became in fact as well as in the...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Black Hole and White Hole
Under the theory of quantum mechanics black holes possess a temperature and emit Hawking radiation through slow dissipation by anti-protons. Most black holes are made when a giant star, called a supergiant, at least twenty times bigger than our own Sun dies, and leaves behind a mass that is at least one solar mass. Stars die when they run out of hydrogen or other nuclear fuel to burn and start to collaps. A supergiant stars death is called a supernova. Stars are usually in equilibrium, which means they are making enough energy to push their mass outward against the force of gravity. When the star runs out of fuel to make energy, gravity takes over. Gravity pulls the center of the star inward very quickly. A white hole, in general relativity, is a hypothetical region of space time which cannot be entered from the outside, but from which matter and light may escape. In this sense it is the reverse of a black hole, which can be entered from the outside, but from which nothing, including light, may escape. However, it is theoretically possible for a traveler to enter a rotating black hole, avoid the singularity, and travel into a rotating white hole which allows the traveler to escape into another universe. White holes appear in the theory of eternal black holes. â€Å"In addition to a black hole region in the future, such a solution of the Einstein equations has a white hole region in its past. †However, this region does not exist for black holes that have formed through gravitational collapse, nor are there any known physical processes through which a white hole could be formed. Like black holes, white holes have properties like mass, charge, and angular momentum. †They attract matter like any other mass, but objects falling towards a white hole would never actually reach the white holes event horizon. The white hole event horizon in the past becomes a black hole event horizon in the future, so any object falling towards it will eventually reach the black hole horizon. They are, predicted as a possible other end of a black hole that has a worm hole through space, ut black holes are most likely just a point in space without an other side. A white hole is the theorized time reversal of a black hole. The event horizon of a black hole attracts matter, so event horizon of a white hole ejects matter even though the white hole itself still attracts matter. The main difference between the two is the action of the event horizon. As you can see, this is what a black hole and a white holes are
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Understanding Organisations Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Understanding Organisations Management - Essay Example Understanding Organisations Management Ritzer compares society today to a have adopted the characteristics of such a fast food chain. While sociologists like Weber viewed political systems like bureaucracy to explain the shift in society, Ritzer uses the example of a fast food place. He claims it to be far more representative of the contemporary paradigm into which society has shifted today. The concept is better described by the four terms employed by Ritzer himself. They are used to better understand and explain this concept. These four terms are vital to determine the reliability and efficiency of any organization. The first of this is efficiency. Ritzer emphasizes the importance of this term. It represents the optimal technique that can be employed to succeed in any task. However, efficiency is not just a technique used to bring optimum results. Ritzer prefers it to have a very specific meaning which in intoned with entire concept of Mcdonaldization.This means the speed with which the individual is able to move from one point to another. This is evident in the service provided by Mcdonalds. It aims to satisfy its customer's hunger in the least amount of time possible. Thus, they work to remove hunger and achieve full satisfaction in a limited period of time. This idea of efficiency is ever dominant in the establishment that works to fulfill its customers need in the shortest period possible. In this way, the work of an organization is thought to be one that allows an individual to gain results in the shortest time instead. Another term employed by Mcdonaldization is calculability. This mode ensures that the individual uses data that can be quantified rather than ones than are subjective. In this mode, an organization has to pay attention to the numerical and statistics rather than tastes and behavior. In this formula, quantity is seen as another term for quality. This idea makes sense when compared to the work done at a fast food chain. In this organization, if food is provided at a fast rate, the quality ceases to matter. In other words, by providing a large quantity of food within a short span of time, the individual ensures that the consumer assumes it to be of the highest quality. This is because individuals are conditioned to compare how much quantity they receive to the money they paid for it. The organization works to ensure its consumer s that they receive a large amount of goods for a small quantity that they have paid. In return, the consumer automatically assumes this to be the best quality available. This concept can also be employed for workers. According to Ritzer, the employee is judged by the degree of work they can produce in the workplace. This is contrary to the kind or quality of work they produce, which assumes secondary importance. The Mcdonaldization of Society also speaks of the predictability. This can be meant to explain the standardization of services that are present within society. The concept is further ensued in the idea of uniformity in the services that are given by an organization to its consumers. Working against the idea of Mcdonalds, Ritzer shows how the consumer at the fast food chain can expect the same service to be provided to them, no matter which outlet of this food enterprise they visit. Once again, this concept is not unique to
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Family firm going public Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Family firm going public - Essay Example The family business is flourishing in many developed and developing countries throughout the world. It is a particular breed of business that can be more clearly understood by keeping in mind the idea of two interconnecting but separate systems. The family and the business are two systems in that the goals, needs and tasks of each are not identical. Because of the ambiguous nature of the interconnection, problems can and do arise. Methods for sorting out the roles and rules for the two systems need to be consciously developed and understood (Bogod & Leach, 1999). The advantages of running a family business are worth reiterating. They bear closed resemblances to those voiced by entrepreneurs generally – a feeling of freedom, a provision of income and capital, a sense of creativity. Family businesses can be a satisfying way to provide a living and for family members to feel collectively rewarded for their personal sacrifices. Under the best of circumstances, the family firm can provide a basis for meaningful and enduring family connections. Although there are many advantages, the concept of family business is not free from disadvantages. One such disadvantage arises when the procurement of capital comes into picture. Few, family firms reach this stage, which comes about when the business needs additional capital to continue its operations (Sitorus, 2001). Capital is procured by going public, usually concurrent with the introduction of professional management.... referred to as the primary market and the subsequent trading as the secondary market (Monteith, 1995). It is important to an economy that both markets operate efficiently. Similarly, a liquid a transparent secondary market will encourage investors to participate in the stock market and should again increase the availability of equity capital and lower investors' required returns. (Sitorus, 2001) Until recently limited liability was only available to limited companies, which ruled out sole traders because the company had to have at least two shareholders (Kline, 1994). Many traders go round this by setting up private limited companies, with another member of the family holding nominal accounts of shares to qualify for company status. They remained, in reality, one person business. There is now the possibility of limited liability for shareholders companies. There is no upper limit to the number of shareholders. Many family businesses are organized as limited companies but others prefer the informality of remaining unregistered (Marchisio, 2003). Many family businesses have been started on this basis and some have grown to considerable size within this format. The main limitation is that shares cannot be made available to the public, which restricts the company's power to raise additional capital through new shares (Bogod, 1999).By inviting members of the public to subscribe to the business, it enjoys much wider opportunities to raise funds. Going public also gives existing shareholders greater liquidity as they can now realize the value of their shares by selling them on the open market (Newman, 1985). Since the shareholders in a family
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Is Article 5 of the OECD's Model Tax Convention still fit for purpose Coursework
Is Article 5 of the OECD's Model Tax Convention still fit for purpose given the changes in world trade since the Article was fir - Coursework Example Raising personal income taxes or the goods and services tax any further would be extremely unpopular with the people. There is widespread anger in the UK and in other OECD countries about the tax avoidance practices of large multinational corporations. In the UK, the Public Accounts Committee of Parliament questioned senior executives of Starbucks, Amazon and Google on their tax avoidance practices which were held to be against the spirit if not the letter of the law 2. Multinational Corporations (MNC) accounted for over $33 trillion in global sales in 2010 with a value addition of over $16 trillion, representing one-quarter of the world GDP. Many of the MNC from the Fortune 100 list have bigger revenues than several of the emerging economy countries around the world and most of these MNC are headquartered in the OECD countries 3. 1 Browne, J. and Roantree, B., â€Å"A Survey of the UK Tax System†, IFS Briefing Note BN09, October 2012. accessed 20 March 2013. 2 Knight, L., â⠂¬Å"Corporate tax avoidance: How do companies do it?†BBC News, 4 Dec 2012. accessed on 20 March 2013. 3 UNCTAD Report, â€Å"World Investment Report 2011†, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development accessed on 20 March 2013. ... ve definition, a sovereign state is made up of three core elements â€Å"people, territory and a government†and the government of a territory has the sovereign right to tax people living in that territory 4. A Multinational Corporation, by definition, operates in multiple countries and there is the perennial challenge of determining which government has taxation rights over the MNC and for what part of its income. 2. The Evolution of the OECD Model Tax Convention The Organization for European Economic Cooperation which later became the OECD first published a draft double taxation avoidance agreement in 1958 with the objective of preventing individuals or companies being taxed in both the country of residence (Country R) and the country of source for the income (Country S) and for the prevention of tax evasion. This document has served as the basis for over 3000 bilateral tax treaties in force around the world 5. The Model Convention has been periodically updated by the OECD a nd a draft 2012 revision is currently in circulation. Many developing countries around the world felt that the OECD model convention was unduly favourable to the advanced economies and lobbied the United Nations to evolve an alternative Model Double Taxation convention which was first issued in 1977. 4 Ring, D.M., â€Å"Democracy, Sovereignty and Tax Competition: The Role of Tax Sovereignty in shaping Tax Cooperation†, Boston College Law School, 28 Jan 2009. accessed on 20 March 2013. 5 Bennett, M., â€Å"The 50th Anniversary of the OECD Model Tax Convention†, 2008. accessed on 20 March 2013. This model has also been periodically updated. The UN model gives the source country greater rights to tax income than the
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Condominium Living in Malaysia
Condominium Living in Malaysia The concept of condominium living in Malaysia is already promoted for few years before and almost all the people in the city will accept this type of housing. Due to the rapid rate of urbanisation and scarce of land available, condominium become the most popular housing types which lead to maximise the usage of land available with providing the facilities. Condominium living has become more common in a feature of the residential landscape in many parts of the country, especially in densely populated areas such as Kuala Lumpur and Penang. This is mainly cause by the scarcity of land in big cities and rapid urbanisation due to massive population migration. Other than population migration, the needs of people and changing lifestyle have also contributed to the development of the high-rise building over the country. Limited land has driven up the prices of properties, especially the place such as those in the Kuala Lumpur city centre and the fast developing corridors in the Klang Valleys (The Star, 2004). Since Malaysia is now promoting a policy, housing-owning democracy with a target which every family will own a house. With this policy, there is an opportunity to let the people choose what kind of housing is likely to be bought. Condominium living can open up an opportunity to strengthen the relationship between three major ethnic for racial integration. It is to help the political and economic stability in the country. All the residents will share their responsibility and give their effort over the common areas and facilities such as corridor or the recreational facilities within the condominium. There are many reasons why people make their homes in condominiums. Some is because their children have grown up and moved out, and their homes are now too large. Others consider it because it is cheaper to buy a unit in a condo rather than a landed property in the location they want (National House Buyers Association, 2009). Living within the condominium where neighbours can be easily call upon when problems arise will increase the mutual understanding between the neighbours. Condominium living is about lifestyle and buying a condominium is actually investing in a lifestyle (Chan, C. K., 1991). Some rich people will buy the condominium just because of the facilities it is provided. They can just rent the condominium in term of it location or equipped by good facilities such as 24-hour security, swimming pools and barbecue pits. From this chapter, we will understand concept of condominium development, definition of condominium, the types of condominium, basic instrument for purchasing condominium, the units, common areas, Strata Title Act (1985) and Building and Common Property (Maintenance and Management) Act 2007 (Act 663). The Concept of Condominium Development: Condominium means to control (dominion) a certain property jointly with (con) one or more persons (Chan, C. K., 1991). This housing development is a form of co-ownership over a multiple-unit property, for instance flat. The co-ownership will own a unit and have their own interest in the air space and an undivided interest in the common area, such as corridor, lobbies, playground, garden, swimming pools and car park. Condominium development is to be introduced and solved the problem because of the rapid urbanisation and limited of land available. Due to these problems, condominium is more popular in the crowded city such as Kuala Lumpur. Desa Kudalan project was the first project launched in Kuala Lumpur which was located in the up-market area of Jalan Pekeliling (Chan, C. K., 1991). Demand of condominium is rise in crowded cities and there will be some of the factors that contributed to the demand such as scarcity of land and high land cost. Because limited land available in cities, it driven up the land price goes up. Condominium developments help the citizen to have their own house which in the multiple-unit property, condominium where each individual has their own interest known as unit. As the population rise, some cities are facing shortage of housing. Multiple-unit property will help the citizen to have their own house which fulfilled the housing democracy which now promoting by the government where every citizen owns their house. People nowadays are more educated and they will meet and satisfy their need to fulfil the life they want to be. Changing lifestyle is one of the factors for the contribution of condominium development. There are many facilities provided by living in condominium such as24-hour security and swimming pool. The types of condominium development are different in the form of low rise and high rise, integrated linked type, cluster of repetitive nature, in varying community density, in more central urban region and the suburban as well as areas of resort, in varying cost values; but in all cases, the concept of mutual benefitting community living remains the basic (Sze To, K. Y., 1979). The concept of condominium development is consider quite success in the crowded city compare to rural area. This has helped to create a market for condominium housing and citizens have more choice to choose according to their favourite. Definition of Condominium: Con-dominium is derive from two word which mean joint sovereignty or in the more historical sense joint control of a State by other States. In housing development, it is referred to subsidiary title coupled with common title or as defined under the National Land Code in previous days (Sze To, K. Y., 1979). The word condo or condominium comes from the two Latin words- con means together and dominium, means property. A condominium can be an apartment, house, townhouse or a unit in an apartment house in which the units are individually owned. Hence, there is always common property owned with others- recreation areas, lawns, basement, garage as well as the individual units are owned outright ( Kalia, A., 2007). Others than that, condominium is the home ownership that owned by the individual units, which is known as condominium units. Undivided interest means a share or right that owned by the unit holder, but the ratio or the share cannot be defined apart from the whole (Holeman, J. R., 1980). Each unit owner has the same interest which is called shared rights towards the common areas that used together, for instance swimming pool, car park, barbecue pits, elevator and others. Management of the condominium is responsibility to well manage the common area in order to provide a harmonies environment within the condominium. An amount of money, which is management fee, will be paid by the unit owners every month in order the property management are sufficient money to manage the common areas. Normally, home owners will form an association, to maintain and manage the common areas. There are various types of design unit within a condominium, such as studio unit, penthouse and duplex. Penthouse and duplex are expensive condominium living and normally rich people will purchase this kind of condominium to match their luxury lifestyle. Studio unit is consists of dining, living and bedroom that combined together to become a large room. The kitchen facilities as a part of the central room. Bathroom in this unit has its own smaller partition. Penthouse which high classification in the condominium is located at the top of the building. It is separate from with others building to have privacy by unique design such as high ceiling. Duplex consist of two floors connected by internal staircase in condominium. Types of Condominium: There are several type of condominium such as residential condominium, non-residential condominium, standard condominium and phase condominium. Residential condominium is owned by the individual units which the owner will occupy for living purpose. Some of the owner will rent out to others to earn the rental income. They will pay monthly maintenance fee to management department of condominium for maintaining and managing the common area that all the owners have the shared right on it. There is also non-residential condominium can be found in the property market such as hotel, services apartment, retail shop and office building. The structure is the same with the residential condominium but the difference is the usage of the building. Standard condominium is just a general type of condominium that can be found in any country. This kind of condominium is subdivided into units and common area. Hence, this kind of owner will own different but inseparable entities. One is the well defined space that used for residential purpose; one is the common area which the owner have shared interest on it. This shared interest between the owners cannot be defined from the whole part. Phased condominium is a condominium developed according to stages. Normally, the time to complete the development will not exceed 10 years. Hence, the condominium development size will increase from time to time until the development is complete. The advantage of this type of condominium is the purchasers do not have to wait for so long for the development to complete. There is also a benefit for the developer which the income does not influence by the period to occupy or awaiting title. This type of condominium will use phase one to be the name that completed first. The owners is also own different but inseparable entities. Basic Instrument for Purchasing Condominium: Before the condominium can be purchased, there are three instruments used in order to purchase condominium, deed of Mutual Covenant, declaration of condominium and bylaw of condominium association. Deed of Mutual Covenant: When a person purchases a property where there are common areas that need all the involvement of all the unit owners, the owner will asked to enter into a Deed of Mutual Covenant (DMC) while the Sale and Purchase Agreement (SPA) is signed upon. Deed of Mutual Covenant is an agreement of mutual involved between the developer and the purchaser. The contents different from developer to developer, and they are distinctly separate from those in the SPA (National House Buyers Association, 2004). Housing Development Act does not regulate the contents in DMC compare to Sale and Purchase Agreement. The contents consist of the clauses which assure the purchaser and the developer. There are some clauses are as follows: Maintenance Charges. The maintenance charges are the agreed amount that valid for a period. After the period, the agreed amount will be increased to a reasonable amount. Undertaking Not To Lodge A caveat. DMC restrict the purchaser or owner to lodge any caveat on the property. Right of the developer to cease supply of utilities. Developer has the right to cut the utilities such as electricity and water supply, in case of any default or delay payment by the resident. Consent fees. National House Buyers Association (2004:1) stated. The amendment to the Housing Regulations, effective Dec 1, 2002, developers can only charge a sum of 0.5% of the purchase price or RM500, whichever is lower. This is regardless of when the SPA was signed. The amended Housing Regulations also states that: No housing developer shall collect any fee by whatever name called for giving his consent to any purchaser or subsequent purchaser of a housing accommodation to assign his rights and benefits to and in the contract of sale to any financial institution providing a loan for such purchaser to finance or part finance the purchase of the housing accommodation Period of validity of the DMC. The validity period of DMC is the strata titles have been issued to the each unit owners and the management corporation is formed. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â There are many dispute causes by the clauses between developers and buyers. The maintenance charges will be increase to a reasonable amount after certain period. Some buyers do not check during signing the DMC or do not understand what is the reasonable amount will be stated. The disputes begin with developers after certain period when buyers realise they have to pay more for maintenance charges. Although the buyer is owned the property, he is no right to enter any caveat to his own property to secure his rights. Government should solve the dispute between developers and buyers by standardize contents of DMC like Sale and Purchase Agreement to ensure the equilibrium balance between developers and buyers. Declaration of Condominium: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â The declaration of condominium (also known as the declaration of restrictions or master deed) establishes the definition of the private and common elements within the condominium community, and outlines the rights and obligations of the owners. It is actually a legal instrument recorded that create a condominium development under law. This declaration of condominium will set up a fund to maintain the property, and creates the condominium association. Instructions for how amendments are to be when the change of conditions of demand should be given by the declaration of condominium. For instance, the developer has to prepare a declaration of condominium to fully state the ownership rights of the owners according to their units (Holeman, J. R., 1980). Articles of Incorporation: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Constitution condominium community is a set of rule and regulation which same as the articles of incorporation and declaration of condominium. The articles of incorporation will constitute the rule and regulation for the purpose of condominium and it will be stated there whether it is for investment purpose or just for resident occupation. The condominium will operate according to the rules and regulation when the article of incorporation is legally bound while condominium by-law will establish the guidelines of condominium. Membership requirements, election procedures, and the powers and duties of the directors and officers are regulated by by-law. They determine how the finances are to be handled, and how the project is to be maintained, insured, and restricted. By-law will continuous change and amend to meet the suitable condition (Holeman, J. R., 1980). Bylaw of Condominium Association; By-law should be abided by the condominium unit owners. Developers or the purchaser of the units are generally draft the rules and regulation of condominium in by-law of condominium. Normally, by-law will establish the electing officers or board members procedures of the condominium association, inform the member when the meeting is being held, and also responsible for the building maintenance and insurance in common areas. Some of the restrictions may impose to restrict unit holders to do something against the rule and regulation or penalties for not compliance to the rules (Answer Corporation, 2009). Rules and Regulation; Rules and regulations are required by managing the condominium as the by-law gives the rules for living together with harmonies. These rules and regulations will determine and enforce by the board of Director. Some of the rules and regulations are stated as below: Homeowners Dues. The monthly homeowners due must be paid according to the period that has been determined. Condominium may take some action towards homeowners who are refused to pay it. Common Elements. The homeowner or residents are not allowed to making loud noise which will disturb other residents within the period that has been determined. The balconies must be neat and clean in appearance. No any blocking items or store room are allowed to be place at common area. Parking. Vehicles have to be parked in the designated parking spaces. Vehicles are not allowed to park their vehicle at the prohibited area such as in front of garage. Pets. Some of the condominium may allow the residents to have their pets. Some condominium will not. If allowed, it must consistent with the responsibilities associated with living in a condominium. The Unit: Unit is the description which usually contained in the declaration of condominium. The most important element is boundary described, because homeowners are responsible to maintain, manage, insure and decorate their own unit. Each unit owner shall be entitled to exclusive possession of his apartment, subject to the provisions of the condominium documents (Holeman, J. R., 1980). Common Areas: The documents refer to common area shared by condominium owners as that part of the projects exclusive of all private units. The ownership of each condominium unit includes an undivided interest in, as well as rights and title to these common areas (Holeman, J. R., 1980). The common areas are divided into two: general common interest and limited common elements. Generally, common areas include the land, main walls, foundations, roofs, hallways, elevators, swimming pools and other recreational areas and parking lots. Detached carports and garages are sometimes owned by the association and assigned to individual unit owners, and sometimes they are owned with the unit (King, B., 2003). Limited common elements are a physical part of the common areas, but are for the exclusive use of a particular unit owner or group of owners. Limited areas usually refer to parking spaces, patio space, Storage space, and entrances ways (Holeman, J. R., 1980). Neighbourhood Link (2009:1) explained. Limited common elements could also be any air conditioning or heating units, chute, flue, duct, wire, conduit, bearing wall, bearing column and other fixture, whether located within or outside of the boundaries of a unit, which serve only that unit or are allocated solely to that unit. Any shutters, awnings, window boxes, doorsteps, stoops, porches, decks, balconies, entryways, patios, exterior doors and windows, other fixtures designed to serve a single unit, but located outside the Units boundaries are limited common elements allocated exclusively to that unit. Strata Title Act (1985): The interest of unit holders and developers are subjected in sub-division of building for subsidiary titles (Strata Titles). This legally abided title has contributed a more effective implementation when some of the disputes are arise (Kok, S. T., 1979). The Federal and Director Generals Land and Mines Department (2009:1) explained that strata Title was first introduced in 1966 by the Malaysian National Land Code 1965, to better cope with the legal ownership of multi-storey buildings. Previously, it was known as subsidiary titles by reference to the buildings erected on alienated land. By 2007 strata title legislative amendment, the strata titles concept was extended to be applied for land parcels created on alienated land. Definition: Strata title is a form of ownership for multi-storey buildings or blocks or multi layer of land on a piece of alienated land. The Strata part term refers to subdivided units being on different levels (The Federal and Director Generals Land and Mines Department, 2009). Management Corporation is formed under Strata Title Schemes where combination the individual parcels and common property with a self-governance of Strata Corporation. The individual parcel is indicating condominium, apartment, town house, and each of the individual units will be hold a different title. Management Corporation is formed automatically when the strata title is registered by opening of a Book of Strata Register (The Federal and Director Generals Land and Mines Department, 2009). The Management Corporation has to elect a council who responsible to perform the MCs duties and powers and carry out the MCs business. The council is consisting of not less than three and not more than fourteen proprietors of multi-storey building. Under section 41 of Strata Title Act 1985, the first Annual General Meeting (AGM) must be conducted within one month after expiration of the initial period. Initial Period is the period commence from the day of the MC is formed and the end on the day on which there are at least one- quarter of aggregate share units, not including the proprietor of the lot who known as original proprietor of Master Title (Tan, R., 2007). By-Laws: By-laws under the Third Schedule of Strata Titles Act, 1985 are applicable to all subdivided buildings. Additional by-laws and continuous amendment can be made by management corporation so that by-laws does not contracting with the Third Schedule of the Strata Titles Act, 1985. All owners in Management Corporation must comply the additional by-laws as long as the law is applicable. And the additional by-law shall be publishing in the public for their awareness. Records of all such by-laws must be properly kept by Management Corporation for inspection (National House Buyers Association, 2009). Requirement of Subdivision of Building: Homeowner will be given a separate title which is sub-divided any building into each individual title of the proprietor of the land with approval of The Federal and Director Generals Land and Mines Department. Any building which intends to sub-divide to an individual title has to be subject to some of the conditions as follow: The land is only held as one lot under registry title. Building must have 2 or more storeys above the ground level, with an area at least 5,000 square feet. The building must approved and certified by a Licensed Surveyor. The boundary of the lot with will be examined carefully by him. The sub-division does not contravene any restriction in interest in the land or any requirement that has been gazetted in title. The building has to be constructed in accordance with the plan submitted where the planning permission was required by for the building and it should certified by Architect(register under the Architect Ordinance 1951). here is no item of land revenue is outstanding in the respected land. Formation of Management Corporation: MC is the medium through which the proprietors control and manage the strata scheme pursuant to the Strata Titles Act 1985 and the Rules made there under. If it is a subdivided building or multi-storey building, it is automatically register under strata title. The MC is known by the name appearing in the book of the strata register relating to the subdivided building (National House Buyers Association, 2009). It is a body corporate having perpetual succession and a common seal. It is not necessary to register it under the Societies Act 1966 or any other law. In the case of a subdivided low-cost building, however, the MC does not come into existence automatically with the opening of the strata register. Under section 64 of the Strata Titles Act 1985, the MC comes into existence upon the completion of the transfer of strata title in respect of all the parcels by the original proprietor. On the other hand, the proprietors, other than the original proprietor, having share units totalling more than half of the aggregate share units of all the parcels may apply o the Director of Lands and Mines for an order to establish the management corporation as provided for under section 64A. Duties, Powers and Responsibilities of the Management Corporation: Normally, the duties, powers and responsibilities of MC are under section 43 of the Strata Title Act, 1985. National House Buyers Association (2009) stated that the MC should exercise their duties, powers and responsibility according as below: To collect the contributions from parcel proprietors. To purchase the movable property for the use as common property. To secure the repayment and the payment interest. To do all things necessary for the performance of its duties. To manage and maintain the common property. To insure and keep insured the subdivided building against fire and other risks. To pay insurance premiums, quit rent and other rates. To comply with any notices or orders given by an public authorities to execute any works in respect of the reasonable time. To prepare and maintain a strata roll for the subdivided building. To be the custodian of the issue of the document of title of the relevant land. Tot purchase additional land, grant or accept an easement. To provide an appropriate receptacle for postal deliveries. Financial Management: Management Corporation has to establish a management fund in order to manage and maintain, control the common properties, paying taxes, rates and insurance. Some acquisition and investment activities may also allowed for MC to proceed. MC will decide the amount of homeowner to levy the contribution according to their respective share unit and the interest rate whoever homeowner is in respect of late payment of contribution for maintain the management find accounts. A portion of money from the management fund account are distributed for painting the building, purchasing movable property for the purpose of common property, replacement of fixture and fitting in common property and others expenditure for maintenance. Building and Common Property (Maintenance and Management) Act 2007 (Act 663): Building and Common Property (Maintenance and Management) Act 2007 (Act 663) was first came to enforce on 12 April 2007. It is an Act to provide for the proper maintenance and, management of buildings and common property, and for matters incidental thereto (Lee, S. S., 2007). There are some problems during the duration after vacant possession is delivered by developer to purchaser and before the establishment of the Management Corporation. Hence, this present law is to cover what is inadequate in addressing the problems during that period. The developer is responsible for the maintenance and management of the common property before the formation of the Management Corporation (Lee, S. S., 2007). The maintenance and management of building and common property under the Building and Common Property Act 2007 covers all types of building that will be or have been subdivided and issued with strata titles namely residential buildings such as condominiums flats, apartments and gated community developments, commercial buildings such as office blocks, shopping complexes, service apartments, mixed developments and industrial buildings. In respect of building with strata titles, it includes all parcels, accessory parcels and common property (Maidin, A. J., 2007). According to the section 4 of the Building and Common Property (Maintenance and Management) Act 2007 (Act 663), a Joint Management Body is formed which comprise the developer and purchasers to administer the maintenance and management of the building during the initial period before the Management Corporation fully takes control of the common property of the development from the developer (Soong, D., 2007). Joint Management Body: The first meeting of the Body has to be convoked by developers no later than 12 months from the commencement of the act for the building concerned was completed before the commencement of the Act. In cases where the building is completed on or after the commencement of the Act, the meeting must be held no later than 12 months from the delivery of vacant possession to the purchasers. Unlike the Management Corporation, the developers duty to convene the first meeting of the Body is effectively tied to the delivery of vacant possession to the purchasers and not effected by how long it takes the developer to apply for and procure the opening of the strata register for the development or whether the developer has sold and transferred 25% of the development to purchasers (Soong, D., 2007). Formation of Joint Management Body: Before the JMB is established, the developer has responsibility to carry out the maintenance works and to ensure the building is free others risks. Developer has the duty to have a first meeting with all the purchasers within specified period. If developer fails to do so, the developer will be fined not more than RM25, 000 or imprisonment in a period not more than three months or both. Duties of Joint Management Body Joint Management Body is a body corporate, hence there are boned to be sued if anything found in default. The duties of the JMB are, among others, to: Maintain the common property and keep it in good serviceable repair. Fix and impose charges for the maintenance works. Insure the building and apply insurance moneys received for rebuilding and reinstatement. Prepare and maintain a register of all purchasers. Ensure that the Building Maintenance Fund (BMF) is audited and provide financial statements to purchasers. Enforce house rules (Wong, A. F. H., 2009). Powers of Joint Management Body: Joint Management Bodys powers under Building and Common Property (Maintenance and Management) Act 2007 (Act 663) are almost the same with those of the Management Corporation under Strata Titles Act. The Body is essentially a form of Pre-management Corporation (Soong, D., 2007). In essence, the Body is required to perform all acts required for the proper maintenance and management of the building, such as maintaining audited accounts and enforcing house rules for the proper maintenance and management of the building. The JMB is empowered to: i. Collect maintenance charges from purchasers. ii. Authorise expenditure for carrying out the maintenance works. iii. Recover monies due from purchasers. iv. Acquire property for use by purchasers in connection with the common property. v. Secure the services of a person to undertake the maintenance works. vi. Make house rules (Wong, A. F. H., 2009). Building Maintenance Account: Financial statements which include the maintenance and management of the development are specified by the Act has to be maintained by developer and the Body before the account is being passed to the Management Corporation. Ensuring funds to be audited which held for the maintenance of the development and provide the audited financial statements for the information to purchasers is part of the duty of the Body (Soong, D., 2007). In each development, developer is required to open a Building Maintenance Account before vacant possession is delivering to homeowner. Other than that, developer also required to deposit all the money received for the purpose of Building Maintenance Account which the money does not go directly to developer. Building Maintenance Account must to be audited by a public and professional auditor, and the auditors report must be attach and report to Commissioner within 14 days. Commissioner has the power to engage their own auditor to investigate the entire document related, such as account of the developers company. Under Part IV Section 16, before delivery of vacant possession, the developer of a strata development must open a Building Maintenance Account (BMA) in the name of the strata development for each development. This applies to all newly completed strata development where the vacant possession has not been delivered to the purchasers as of 12th April, 2007. For developments where vacant possession has been given but the management corpora
Friday, October 25, 2019
Universal Code of Software Ethics Essay -- Computers Software Technolo
Universal Code of Software Ethics Introduction Software organizations are growing along with the international businesses they service. Driven by universalism, the world is becoming a single workplace and marketplace. Like all professionals, Software professionals who work within these organizations regularly face problems of an ethical and moral nature. In making decisions, what cultural, social and ethical norms should apply - those of the professionals’ home culture or those of the culture in which they are working, and indeed, are these two choices necessarily different? [6] "Each Nation has many customs and practices which are not only unknown to another nation but barbarous and a cause of wonder," says Michel de Montaigne. The field of computing is generating many difficult ethical questions and the variation in the ethical and social norms across the globe merely adds to the level of complexity in finding answers to these questions. How can issues be answered if the "rules" are not fixed? How, for example, can an ethical or moral question about the content of a web site be considered when a hypertext link in that web page may not only take the user to a different part of that site, but to "a site in another part of the world" where different ethical values may prevail? [6] Professions have adopted ethical codes and codes of conduct. Physicians, lawyers, and engineers have moral responsibilities and know to whom they are responsible. Professionals in the information systems field need similar guidance. Unfortunately, multiple professional standards in the field are offered by individual organizations. Many of the precepts in these codes are similar, but some are not. This paper presents the principles of f... ... 15 Jun 2000, [Online], Available: http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/people/features/world_lectures/mazrui_lect.shtml. [9] Oz, Effy Ethical Standards for Information Systems Professionals: A Case for a Unified Code 1992, [Online], Available: http://www.misq.org/archivist/vol/no16/issue4/effyoz.pdf. [10] Pohl, Karl-Heinz [1999] Beyond Universalism and Relativism – Reflections on an East-West Intercultural Dialogue. Paper to the International Conference on Universal Ethics and Asian Values, 4-6 Oct 1999, Seoul, South Korea, [Online], Available: http://www.unesco.or.kr/kor/science/project/universal_ethics/asianvalues/pohl.htm. [11] Rosenfeld, Jack [1997] IFIP Publishes Book on Ethics of Computing from an International Perspective. ACM SIGCHI Bulletin, Vol. 29, No. 1, Jan 1997, [Online], Available: http://www.acm.org/sigchi/bulletin/1997.1/international.html.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Types of Buckling
Types of Buckling Engineering is one discipline that is based on several different phenomenon and concepts. Each concept in engineering is as important as other and they all work together to give rise to some new techniques. One phenomenon that is extremely beneficial and widely used in engineering and science is buckling. Buckling is nothing but a phenomenon of mathematical instability, which leads to a special failure mode. When a system in equilibrium is subjected to additional load, it buckles down and gets deformed.This deformation is what is known as buckling. There are several different types of buckling that can take place in objects and those are described as below. Flexural buckling is a special form of buckling that takes place in a special compression member facing a deflection because of the bending of flexure. It occurs mostly in a straight column when the stable equilibrium gets distorted at the critical load. The buckling is shown to occur mainly at the axis and demon strates significantly small radius of gyration.There are different types of flexural buckling that can take place in objects and different equations can be employed for determining the load and the extent of buckling caused due to the same. Lateral buckling is also commonly observed in objects when the deflection goes out of the plane in which the object is functioning at a given time. Any load on the object that leads to the bending in it along the given strong axis, the object is shown to go out of plane and such buckling is known as lateral buckling.The critical value of the applied moment is shown to lead to cause several different out-of-plane displacements in the straight elastic beam. Torsional buckling is yet another type of buckling that commonly takes place in the plates. This particular buckling is very common in the members that are double-symmetric in nature and also simultaneously lead to the occurrence of extremely slender cross-sectional elements. This buckling never occurs in the rolled sections and takes place in the built-up sections.Torsional buckling is combined with flexural buckling to give rise to another type of buckling known as flexural-torsional buckling. This combined form of buckling is shown to take place mostly in the objects that exhibit unsymmetrical cross-section with only one single axis of symmetry. This special case takes place when there is a simultaneous bending and twisting of the object, thus leading to significant deflections.Buckling can take place in different types of objects, including plastic, pipes and pressure vessels. Engineers carry out different studies for determining the level of buckling and there are several equations and numerical models that help in defining and examining the buckling level so that appropriate measures can be taken to minimize destruction. Reference link: http://classof1. com/homework-help/engineering-homework-help
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Article Summary: Emerging Giants
Article Summary: Emerging Giants Many local companies lost their market shares or sold off their businesses when global or multinational companies from developed markets such as US, Germany, and Japan got into the emerging markets. However, some local companies held out against and exorcised multinationals.In this article, the authors instantiate this kind of local companies by explaining that Mahindra & Mahindra in India and Haier Group in China have barraged out their own rivals, reset their business strategies, taken advantages of new opportunities, and gained high competencies that enable themselves to do their businesses in global markets very successfully.Also, the authors describe the three strategies these companies employ to make themselves strong, global competitors in spite of facing several difficulties such as financial problems or bureaucratic disadvantages in their home countries, referring the results of their study of emerging giants. First of all, some emerging-mark et companies use their own knowledge of local product markets, resulting in good understandings of local customers’ needs and tastes.This strategy helps these local companies to capture distinctive national advantages. For example, Jollibee Foods in Philippine has profitably succeeded in their businesses against McDonald’s because they know local customers tend to prefer a particular soy and garlic taste that their products have. Secondly, some companies in emerging markets have exploited their knowledge of local talent and capital markets, thus giving services to their customers at home countries and overseas cost-effectively.For instance, Infosys or Wipro in India knew the possibility of providing services to customers abroad very cheaply compared to Western companies did because they had knowledge about where the talents resided and that they can hired technical workers at salaries lower than those in developed markets. Finally, some emerging giants have taken advan tages of institutional voids to create businesses.Old Mutual in South Africa, for example, noticed that South Africa did not have mutual fund and long-term investment product, enabling itself becoming a large financial firm. After I read this article, the company that I came in my mind is Geely Automobile (Geely) in China. Geely actually started their business as a manufacture of refrigerator. The CEO and founder at Geely, Li Shu Fu knew that to achieve the success in China, it was necessary to reduce the cost of anufacturing drastically, enabling local customers to buy their products in China, because when he started his business, in China disposal income among ordinary people was much lower than that in different countries. Therefore, he began to assemble many components from junk dealers because recycled or junk parts were basically cheaper than new components, thus resulting in cost reduction. Then, he stared to produce small motorbikes because at that time, in the end of 1994, it was not still common to buy automobiles in China.That is why at first he decided to focus on manufacturing motorbikes instead of automobiles. After that, finally, they made a beginning of car manufacturing in cost-effectively manner by hiring local workers who knew how to design their products and to manipulate industrial machines. Additionally, he has built networks with local universities and more surprisingly he actually founded several universities to produce competitive but cheap labors. I believe this company is a remarkable and interesting example of emerging giants.
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