How to write a seminar paper
Research Paper Topics Ideas For College Students
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Indie media and popular cultural Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Non mainstream media and famous social - Assignment Example The Cleveland Show was created out of Family Guy. Reflexivity as intertexuality represents certain terrific significance. Cleveland Jr. is outlined as hefty, to show the consuming less calories difficulties or poor dietary patterns in America. Reflexivity as wistfulness reconsiders the past as far as the present. Cleveland Brown gets another spouse called Donna Tubbs, after the past marriage fizzled. Spoof delineates making fun at unique work through diversion. The show makes fun out of the two useless families represented in Family Guy. Flaneur delineates the walking demonstration and related affiliations (Shaya 109). I have occupied with Flandeur by sitting in the recreation center; subsequently I had the option to watch the shades of the flying creatures as they roosted on trees. I have additionally walked around the roads, and subsequently meet a secondary school companion entering the workplace. Through recreation in a club, I figured out how to watch the practices of inebriated supporters. Postmodernism outlines critical changes in the political, financial, and social parts of innovation. It is a political development since it outlines changes in thoughts. One model is the improvement of the mainstream society in the American
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Organizational Change Behavioural Concepts â€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Examine About The Organizational Change Behavioral Concepts? Answer: Introducation As the showcasing supervisor I was responsible for raising a system to convey the change. An adjustment in a hierarchical structure is a procedure through which an association experiences changes. Changes can be as products or corresponding to the procedure. For an association it is critical to execute diverse kind of changes as far as operational and practical terms. The best changes live in increasing an ideal market position by creating center skills. Hierarchical change and social ideas are essential for a business association in managing the huge issues. The Bollywood Corner Indian Restaurant is making changes in the method of directing business. They are presenting changes in the café by taking requests through menu log and furthermore I cushions. The abrupt change in the authoritative change the executives has made trouble for me deal with the additional outstanding task at hand. I actualized the change by looking onto the current market needs. By actualizing data and innovat ion with the authoritative turn of events, it is conceivable to oversee customers in a very much characterized manner (Palmer, Dunford and Akin, 2009). The Technology based arrangement will help in making suitability in dealing with the café. I discovered different basic holes at various level that made trouble in overseeing changes. The current issue is to prepare the staff with respect to the utilization of innovation. It is hard to prepare the innovative criticality engaged with it (Organizational improvement configuration clarified .2017) Sentiments Everybody in the café is uneasy about the progressions occurring. In such a circumstance, it has gotten intense for me to present change. The change has influenced all the divisions in the Restaurant. Already the requests were taken physically. After the change, all the requests are taken in an advanced structure. The chief discovered trouble in dealing with the progressions at an underlying stage. Each division was given 2 days preparing about the innovation execution. Fuse of innovation in the association is a viable method to meet wanted objectives. The change widy affects the authoritative goodness. This will help in accomplishing a made sure about name in the worldwide just as neighborhood advertise (Rothwell, Stavros, Sullivan and Sullivan, 2009). The abrupt change in the association has influenced practically all the representatives. However, for the most part the servers are influenced because of the authoritative change. They need time to pick up information about the types of gear. It is difficult to prepare them about the procedure. At an underlying stage there were numerous issues with respect to the request procedure. Afterward, with a compelling preparing process, the workers were prepared well to pick up information about the procedure (Story, 2007). At present the workers are well outfitted with the instruments and the procedure. Workers currently comprehend the positive effect of innovative instruments in completing their assignment rapidly with less exertion. Innovation up degree has decreased the remaining burden of workers (Turner Parish, Cadwallader and Busch, 2008). Learning Connection The basic issue confronted is to deal with the workers. It is clear to prepare the representatives in a fitting manner to deal with the hierarchical needs. It is hard to change the work procedure. In starting it is hard to deal with the circumstance in an efficient manner. There are issue identified with change in the authoritative objectives and the executives. The best way to increase fitting outcome is by structuring the learning association in a time span. Learning is constantly extreme in an association because of various reasons. I discovered trouble in preparing workers toward the starting level. It is intense at the underlying stage to prepare every single worker to be innovatively capable. In any case, the requests were taken physically already. Presently with an adjustment in the process it is basic to present the changes. For an all around settled association, changes assume a basic job in overseeing exercises. There was a nonstop issue because of progress in the process t he executives. Workers were reluctant to acknowledge the progressions and to actualize it in their everyday life (Weiner, 2009). Change level The mechanical change is called as a gradual change. Under this procedure a representative see an alteration in the business procedure. In current circumstance there is a finished alteration during the time spent taking request. The current change is steady as it has caused a noteworthy change in the general procedure. Innovative change requires some investment in consolidation. It is a procedure that happens in a methodical manner. The worth chain of an association can be evaluated relying fair and square of progress and how quick the representatives receive it (Gollenia, 2016). The test I confronted is in term of innovation appropriation. In such a situation I chose to coordinate with the progressions and built up a well-prepared hierarchical procedure to make mindfulness. The adjustments in the association should be presents in deliberate way. Development and changes are the existence line of the Restaurant (Gibbons, 2015). Culture worth and group The association is developed of a solid group guzzled with solid virtues. There are rare sorts of people who are against changes however the vast majority of the representatives feel cheerful about the change. It was hard to deal with the group in the first place however it is because of the overwhelming endeavors of the bookkeeping director. He helped me in fusing changes in a smooth way. The café has faith in facing challenge by making imaginative measures. At an underlying stage it is difficult to deal with the progressions because of obstruction. Looking onto the present circumstance, it is must to create viability through learning and development the board (Booth, 2015). Procedure of progress A little café faces issue in dealing with the change. If there should be an occurrence of an innovative change it will be applicable to present an adjustment in a deliberately. The phases of progress the executives can without much of a stretch be leant through the Lewin Change model. This is one of the successful procedures to present a change. I utilized the Lewin Change model to present changes in stages. This aides in getting a handle on the adjustments in a deliberate manner. A well-characterize model aides in dealing with the adjustment in an orderly way. Unfreeze: Basic changes identified with the progressions were presented at this stage. Workers were given a brief about the change to be presented. Hardly any workers were not content with the change and stood up to. At this stage representatives for the most part neglect to comprehend the change. The progressions were presented in a methodical manner by creating prompt objectives (Bradley, 2016). Change: The change is presented at this stage. Representatives were given 2 days preparing on the most proficient method to utilize the App to record the request. At this stage representatives acknowledge the change and structure a conclusion about the authoritative targets. It is significant for the association to actualize the adjustments in a deliberate manner (Bridges and Bridges, 2017). Refreeze: After the fruitful preparing of the workers, the prepared representatives were approached to utilize the innovation. The café is encountering significant changes with execution. At this stage it is apparent to deal with the changes. Workers were given an individual Ipad to take orders from table (Cameron and Green, 2015). Impacts of past changes Past changes in the association were useful enough to address singular issues. It was hard to consolidate the adjustments previously. Representatives were not content with the changes. It is the hardest an aspect of my responsibilities to furnish representatives with the change. when. I comprehended that Employees need time to suit themselves with the adjustment so as to pick up viability. Workers have an inclination for not tolerating the progressions occurring according to their benefit. This has caused an issue in overseeing authoritative adequacy. In a developing association it is clear to deal with the progressions as per their goal. The main focal point of the association is to create viability by consolidating changes at various level (Cummings and Worley, 2014). Workers conduct Workers do oppose against the progressions occurring in the association. So as to concede their acknowledgment, it is critical to deal with the adjustments in a well a viable way. Association can possibly deal with the progressions in the event that they can pick up advertise intensity. Along these lines they can deal with the authoritative objectives. Their ability relies on the development. Representatives do confront issue in dealing with the adjustments in the association. They don't think about the progressions as vital. For making adequacy, it is apparent for the Restaurant to survey singular conduct and join critical changes so as to oversee authoritative viability (Daft, 2014). In starting it is hard to deal with the adjustments in an all around characterized way. So as to pick up showcase adequacy, it is imperative to consolidate changes in a distinct manner. Representative conduct should be broke down by directing gathering. This will offer them a chance to introduce their thoughts. While executing changes uncommon consideration was paid to overseeing activities advancement. Changes are significant for a very much created association so as to secure greatest development. According to my experience, it is extreme assignment to deal with the representatives in a huge estimated business association. Adequacy in a hierarchical model must be increased through execution of powerful change the board speculations (Demirkan, Spohrer and Welser, 2016). End To finish up, an association faces issues in regards to usage of arrangements and objectives. It is obvious in the present situation. Learning is significant for picking up showcase competency. The reason for the report is to evaluate execution of changes. The mechanical changes presented in the association are difficult to oversee. Authoritative change and conduct ideas are fundamental for a
Friday, July 31, 2020
All About Introspection in Psychology
All About Introspection in Psychology October 03, 2019 Getty Images More in Psychology History and Biographies Psychotherapy Basics Student Resources Theories Phobias Emotions Sleep and Dreaming Introspection is a process that involves looking inward to examine ones own thoughts and emotions. The term is often used in everyday language to refer to the informal process of exploring ones inner life, but the term also applies to a more formalized process that was once used as an experimental technique in psychology. The experimental use of introspection is similar to what you might do when you analyze your own thoughts and feelings but in a much more structured and rigorous way. What Is Introspection? The term introspection can be used to describe both an informal reflection process and a more formalized experimental approach that was used early on in psychologys history. In everyday use, introspection is a way of looking inward and examining ones internal thoughts and feelings. As a research tool, however, the process was much more controlled and structured. Introspection as reflection: The first meaning is the one that most people are probably the most familiar with, which involves informally examining our own internal thoughts and feelings. When we reflect on our thoughts, emotions, and memories and examine what they mean, we are engaged in introspection. Introspection as a research technique: The term introspection is also used to describe a research technique that was first developed by psychologist Wilhelm Wundt. Also known as experimental self-observation, Wundts technique involved training people to carefully and objectively as possible to analyze the content of their own thoughts.?? Some historians suggest that introspection is not the most accurate term to refer to the methods that Wundt utilized. Introspection implies a level of armchair soul-searching, but the methods that Wundt used were a much more highly controlled and rigid experimental technique. Who Was Wilhelm Wundt? Introspection in Wundts Psychological Research The process that Wundt used is what sets his methods apart from casual introspection. In Wundts lab, highly trained observers were presented with carefully controlled sensory events. These individuals were then asked to describe their mental experiences of these events. Wundt believed that the observers needed to be in a state of high attention to the stimulus and in control of the situation. The observations were also repeated numerous times.?? What was the purpose of these observations? Wundt believed that there were two key components that make up the contents of the human mind: sensations and feelings. In order to understand the mind, Wundt believed that researchers needed to do more than simply identify the structure or elements of the mind. Instead, it was essential to look at the processes and activities that occur as people experience the world around them.?? Wundt focused on making the introspection process as structured and precise as possible. Observers were highly trained and the process itself was rigid and highly-controlled. In many instances, respondents were asked to simply respond with a yes or no. In some cases, observers pressed a telegraph key in order to give their responses. The goal of this process was to make introspection as scientific as possible. Edward Titchener, a student of Wundts, also utilized this technique although he has been accused of misrepresenting many of Wundts original ideas. While Wundt was interested in looking at the conscious experience as a whole, Titchener instead focused on breaking down mental experiences into individual components. Benefits of Introspection While introspection has fallen out of favor as a research technique, there are many potential benefits to this sort of self-reflection and self-analysis. Introspection can be a great source of personal knowledgeThe process provides knowledge that is not possible in any other wayIt can help people make connections between different experiences and responses Criticisms of Introspection While Wundts experimental techniques did a great deal to advance the cause of making psychology a more scientific discipline, the introspective method had a number of notable limitations. The use of introspection as an experimental technique was often criticized, particularly Titcheners use of the method. Schools of thought including functionalism and behaviorism believed that introspection lacked scientific reliability and objectivity. Because the process is so subjective, it is impossible to examine or repeat the results.?? A few other problems with introspection: Different observers often provided significantly different responses to the exact same stimuliEven the most highly trained observers were not consistent in their responsesThe technique is impossible to use with children or animalsIntrospection is limited in its use; complex subjects such as learning, personality, mental disorders, and development are difficult or even impossible to study with this techniqueThe very act of analyzing ones own thoughts plays a role in changing the experience Also, because observers have to first be trained by the researchers, there is always the possibility that this training introduces a bias to the results. Those engaged in introspection might be thinking or feeling things because of how they have been influenced and trained by the experimenters. Research has also shown that people are largely unaware of many of the workings of their own minds, yet are surprisingly unaware of this unawareness.?? Cognitive biases are a good example of how people are often unaware of their own thoughts and biases. Despite this, people tend to be very confident in their introspections. When evaluating the self and others, people give greater weight to introspection about themselves while judging others on their outward behavior. The problem is that even when introspections dont provide useful or accurate information, people remain confident that their interpretations are correct, a phenomenon known as the introspection illusion.?? How Cognitive Biases Influence How You Think and Act A Word From Verywell The use of introspection as a tool for looking inward is an important part of self-awareness and is even used in psychotherapy as a way to help clients gain insight into their own feelings and behavior. While Wundts efforts contributed a great deal to the development and advancement of experimental psychology, researchers now recognize the numerous limitations and pitfalls of using introspection as an experimental technique.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Bellerophon Adventures of a Bad Boy Hero
Bellerophon was one of the major heroes of Greek mythology because he was the son of a mortal father. Whats in a demigod? Lets take a look at Bellerophon. The Birth of a Hero Remember Sisyphus, the guy punished for being a trickster by having to roll a rock up a hill - then doing it over and over, for eternity? Well, before he got into all that trouble, he was the king of Corinth, an important city in ancient Greece. He married Merope, one of the Pleiades - daughters of the Titan Atlas who were also stars in the sky. Sisphyus and Merope had one son, Glaucus. When it came time to get married, Glaucus ... had by Eurymede a son Bellerophon, according to Pseudo-Apollodoruss Library. Homer echoes this in the Iliad, saying, Sisyphus, son of Aeolus .... begat a son Glaucus; and Glaucus begat peerless Bellerophon. But what made Bellerophon so peerless? For one, Bellerophon was one of many Greek heroes (think Theseus, Heracles, and more) who had both human and divine fathers. Poseidon had relations with his mother, so Bellerophon was counted as both a man and a child of a god. So hes called both Sisyphus and Poseidons kid. Hyginus numbers Bellerophon among Poseidons sons in his Fabulae, and Hesiod elaborates even further on it. Hesiod calls Eurymede Eurynome, to whom Pallas Athene taught all her art, both wit and wisdom too; for she was as wise as the gods. But she lay in the arms of Poseidon and bare in the house of Glaucus blameless Bellerophon ... Not bad for a queen - a semi-divine child as her kid! Pegasus and Pretty Women As Poseidons son, Bellerophon was entitled to gifts from his immortal dad. Present number one? A winged horse as a pal. Hesiod writes, And when he began to roam, his father gave him Pegasus who would bear him most swiftly on his wings, and flew unwearying everywhere over the earth, for like the gales he would course along. Athena may actually have had a role in this. Pindar claims that Athena helped Bellerophon harness Pegasus by giving him a bridle with golden cheek-pieces. After sacrificing a bull to Athena, Bellerophon was able to bridle the untameable horse. He stretched the gentle charmed bridle around its jaws and caught the winged horse. Mounted on its back and armored in bronze, at once he began to play with weapons. First up on the list? Hanging out with a king named Proteus, whose wife, Antaea, fell in love with their guest. Why was that so bad? For Antaea, wife of Proetus, lusted after him, and would have had him lie with her in secret; but Bellerophon was an honorable man and would not, so she told lies about him to Proetus, says Homer. Of course, Proteus believed his wife, who claimed that Bellerophon tried to rape her. Interestingly, Diodorus Siculus says that Bellerophon went to visit Proteus because he was in exile because of a murder he had unwittingly committed. Proteus would have killed Bellerophon, but the Greeks had a strict policy of taking care of their guests. So, in order to get Bellerophon - but not do the deed himself - Proteus sent Bellerophon and his flying horse off to his father-in-law, King Iobates of Lycia (in Asia Minor). Along with Bellerophon, he sent a closed letter to Iobates, telling him of what B. supposedly did to Iobatess daughter. Needless to say, Iobates wasnt so fond of his new guest and wanted to kill Bellerophon! How to Get Away with Murder So he wouldnt violate the guest bond, Iobates tried to get a monster to kill Bellerophon. He first commanded Bellerophon to kill that savage monster, the Chimaera. This was one terrifying beast, who had the head of a lion and the tail of a serpent, while her body was that of a goat, and she breathed forth flames of fire. Presumably, not even Bellerophon could defeat this monster, so shed do the killing for Iobates and Proteus. Not so fast. Bellerophon was able to use his heroics to defeat the Chimaera, for he was guided by signs from heaven. He did it from high up, says Pseudo-Apollodorus. So Bellerophon mounted his winged steed Pegasus, offspring of Medusa and Poseidon, and soaring on high shot down the Chimera from the height. Next up on his battle list? The Solymi, a tribe in Lycia, recounts Herodotus. Then, Bellerophon took on the Amazons, fierce warrior women of the ancient world, on the command of Iobates. He defeated them, but still the Lycian king plotted against him, for he chose the bravest warriors in all Lycia, and placed them in ambuscade, but not a man ever came back, for Bellerophon killed every one of them, says Homer. Finally, Iobates realized he had a good guy on his hands. As a result, he honored Bellerophon and kept him in Lycia, gave him his daughter in marriage, and made him of equal honor in the kingdom with himself; and the Lycians gave him a piece of land, the best in all the country, fair with vineyards and tilled fields, to have and to hold. Ruling Lycia with his father-in-law, Bellerophon even had three kids. Youd think he had it all ... but this wasnt enough for an egotistical hero. Downfall from On High Not content with being a king and a gods son, Bellerophon decided to try to become a god himself. He mounted Pegasus and attempted to fly him to Mount Olympus. Writes Pindar in his Isthmean Ode, Winged Pegasus threw his master Bellerophon, who wanted to go to the dwelling-places of heaven and the company of Zeus. Tossed down to earth, Bellerophon had lost his heroic status and lived the rest of his life in indignity. Homer writes that he came to be hated by all the gods, he wandered all desolate and dismayed upon the Alean plain, gnawing at his own heart, and shunning the path of man. Not a nice way to end a heroic life! As for his kids, two out of three died due to the gods anger. Ares, insatiate of battle, killed his son Isandros while he was fighting the Solymi; his daughter was killed by Artemis of the golden reins, for she was angered with her, writes Homer. But his other son, Hippolochus, lived to father a son named Glaucus, who fought at Troy and narrated his own lineage in the Iliad. Hippolochus encouraged Glaucus to live up to his famous ancestry, noting he urged me, again and again, to fight ever among the foremost and out-vie my peers, so as not to shame the blood of my fathers who were the noblest in Ephyra and in all Lycia.
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Attitude of Indian Consumers Towards Online Shopping
ATTITUDE OF INDIAN CONSUMER TOWARDS ONLINE SHOPPING A Project Presented to University Business School, Panjab University CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the Report entitled â€Å"Attitude of Indian Consumers towards Online Shopping†has been made for the partial fulfillment of the Marketing course by Bandeep Kaur, student of MBA Marketing, under my guidance. I confirm that this Report truly represents her work. This work is not a replication of work done previously by any other person and has not been submitted elsewhere for evaluation. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Professor Tejinder Pal University Business School Panjab University Chandigarh ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I avail this opportunity to express my profound sense of sincere and deep gratitude to†¦show more content†¦Both B2C and B2B online shopping are forms of e-commerce. In recent years, online shopping has become popular; however, it still caters to the middle and upper class. In order to shop online, one must be able to have access to a computer, a bank account and a credit/debit card. Shopping has evolved with the growth of technology. According to research found in the Journal of Electronic Commerce, if we focus on the demographic characteristics of the in-home shopper, in general, the higher the level of education, income, and occupation of the head of the household, the more favorable the perception of non-store shopping. An influential factor in consumer attitude towards non-store shopping is exposure to technology, since it has been demonstrated that increased exposure to technology increases the probability of developing favorable attitudes towards new shopping channels. Online shopping widened the target audience to men and women of the middle class. At first, the main users of online shopping were young men with a high level of income and a university education. This profile is changing. Socio-cultural pressure has made men generally more independent in their purchase decisions, while women place greater value on personal contact and social relations. Internet is changing the way consumers shop and buy goods and services, and has rapidly evolved into a global phenomenon. Many companies have startedShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Consumer Behavior And Online Shopping Essay1056 Words  | 5 PagesAnalysis of Consumer behavior in online shopping with especial reference to Pune Abstract: It is now become accustomed to watch advertisement of e-commerce companies on television. Internet shopping is responsible for transformation of marketing scenario in India. One click on screen of computer presents hundred of products to see and to compare with each other. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Flow process chart Free Essays
Technical auditors control warranty parts randomly and they evaluate whether the specified warranty procedure is implemented in a correct manner or not, they also control technical equipment used in the service stations. Each technical auditor is responsible for a set of service partners and each set constitutes a region. After each technical audit, the audited parts are collected by a third party logistics company. We will write a custom essay sample on Flow process chart or any similar topic only for you Order Now Of course, It Is necessary to Inform this third party company in advance about the tattling of the vaults as well as the required capacity of the truck assignment. The company states that this problem can be handled considering the following two issues: 1 ) Assignment of service stations to four regions (self-formed regions not the geographical ones): The business volume of After-Sales Services needs to be analyzed and each service station should be assigned to one of the 4 technical auditors while considering the balance of business volumes and auditors constraints. 2) Visits of the technical auditors to the service stations (route planning): Service partners should be visited on a periodical basis according to the business volumes ND some business constraints while maligning the transportation costs. The company urges that issues such as legal requirements, workforce availability, investment and operational costs and any special regional or other requirements of a given service station should be carefully accounted for in the solution effort. Based on this, the problem Is defined as follows: process that focuses on optimization of the audit activities. This system should determine the frequency of visits to service stations and the routes along the visits to ultimate stations in such a way to keep the traveling and personnel costs low while ensuring a high quality service at all stations. Critically evaluate this problem definition and shortly answer the following. A) State the two most important and desirable characteristics of the problem definition. Write a single clear sentence for each to Justify why you think that these are desirable characteristics. Mentioning the following quote â€Å"while ensuring a high quality service at all stations†is a desirable characteristic of the problem definition because it implies that many should not disregard high quality service when meeting other objectives. In the problem when the route planning is mentioned, it is also correlated to keeping the traveling and personnel costs low which is a desirable characteristics of the problem definition because company’s one of the aims is minimizing costs during the operations. B) State the two most important and undesirable characteristics of the problem are undesirable characteristics. We think that while mentioning the frequency of visits to the service stations, over problem definition should regard service stations according to the regions which should be defined with respect to business volumes. In the problem definition there is no information about the third party logistics company, however mentioning capacity of trucks regarding business volumes and informing logistics company about timing of audit technical visits may result in a more accurate problem definition. C) Propose a better problem definition and write at most four sentences to Justify why you think your definition is good. Do not compare your definition with the existing A decision support system should be designed to aid in the decision making process focusing on optimization of the audit activities. This system should determine the frequency of visits to service stations addressed according to business volumes and the routes including along the visits of both technical audit and logistics company to multiple stations in such a way to keep the traveling and personnel costs low while ensuring high quality service and capacity of trucks regarding both business volumes and timing of visits at all stations. Focusing on optimization of audit activities is important because all process is surrounded by audit activities. Addressing service stations according to business volume is necessary in order to determine frequency of visits. When routes including along the visits of both technical audit and logistics company to multiple stations are decided, keeping the traveling and personnel costs low and ensuring high quality service are desirable characteristics of the problem definition. Since not to determine capacity of trucks regarding both business volumes and timing of visits will cause waste in the system. How to cite Flow process chart, Essays
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Syntagmatics and Paradigmatics
Sytangmatics could be defined as the element within a musical presentation, dealing with construction of sentences and phrases in original languages. The analysis of syntagmatics seeks to establish the usage of language within an audio presentation. A paradigmatic analysis, on the other hand, seeks to analyze the paradigms embedded onto a presentation. The paradigms within a film present the core from where syntagms become created.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Syntagmatics and Paradigmatics specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Numerous discrepancies exist between the production of the film and the original stage performance of Rent. The presentations contain syntagmatic and paradigmatic discrepancies within the elements contained in the presentation. Though the fill could be identified as an adoption of the musical, there exist several syntagmatic and paradigmatic differences between the two presentations. The set ting for the original presentation occurs in the nineteenth century, essentially displaying the existing elements of the time. While the original presentation indicated Mimi (a character in both presentations) as suffering from tuberculosis, the adoption presented the sickness as HIV/AIDS. The setting for these presentations could be accredited with the different presentation of the sickness. While tuberculosis might have been common in the nineteenth century, the prevalence of HIV/AIDS in the twentieth century presented a surmountable challenge. While presenting a similar paradigm in sickness, a syntagmatic difference occurs through presentation of different sickness from the original presentation. The timing of the presentation necessitated the change as majority of the characters, presented in the adoption, suffer from HIV/AIDS infection. Several songs within the theatre presentation do not appear in the film. The length of the original theatre script became an element that requi red numerous changes in production of the film. Several versions of the script continued to be presented through the years before completing the motion picture. Numerous productions continued to be created through the years in seeking to compose a final script containing the desired elements of the developed film. In making the motion picture, numerous changes became imminent to the structure of the theatre presentation. The success achieved from the theatre release appeared to entice the producers to work on the desired elements of the presentation.Advertising Looking for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The background music used in the theatre presentation became transformed to spoken words in the film. The theme song for the motion picture became â€Å"Seasons of Love†, composed by Stevie Wonder. The motion picture contains fewer songs than the original Rent presentation. Majority of the origi nal soundtracks used in the theatre presentation became eliminated from the final motion picture presentation. The words presented in the songs used became spoken by the characters in the film. The theatrical presentation was performed in numerous languages within different countries. The film, however, only appeared in English language presenting a major language discrepancy between the presentations. The conversion of the script into a film included omission of several parts of the acts contained. While the theatre presentation contained countable number of characters, the film included numerous minor actors who were not present in the theatrical presentation. The characters of the film represented the diverse cultures present in the New York population. While the original presentation continues to be adopted in different versions, the film has maintained its features, including the language. The message contained in these presentations continues in similar modality within both of these presentations. The prevalent discrepancies, however, continues to distinguish these presentations from each other. This essay on Syntagmatics and Paradigmatics was written and submitted by user Cynthia Carson to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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